Operating Manual PNOZ V
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Function Description
The safety relay PNOZ V provides a safety-oriented interruption of a safety circuit. When
supply voltage is supplied the "POWER" LED is lit. The unit is ready for operation when the
feedback loop Y1-Y2 and the start circuit S33-S34 are closed.
Input circuit is closed (e.g. E-STOP pushbutton not operated):
– The LEDs "CH.1", "CH.1 [t]" and "CH.2", "CH.2 [t]" are lit.
– Safety contacts 13-14, 23-24, 33-34 and 57-58 are closed, auxiliary contact 41-42 is
opened. The unit is active.
Input circuit is opened (e.g. E-STOP pushbutton operated):
– The LEDs "CH.1" and "CH.2" go out.
– Safety contacts 13-14, 23-24 and 33-34 are opened redundantly, auxiliary contact
41-42 is closed.
– Once the set delay time t2 has elapsed, safety contact 57-58 opens.
– The LEDs "CH.1 [t]" and "CH.2 [t]" go out.
The delay time for safety contact 57-58 can be set on the front of the unit using a screw-
Operating modes
Single-channel operation: No redundancy in the input circuit, earth faults in the start and
input circuit are detected.
Dual-channel operation without detection of shorts across contacts: Redundant input cir-
cuit, detects PNOZ V
– earth faults in the start and input circuit,
– short circuits in the input circuit.
Automatic start: Unit is active once the input circuit has been closed within the simultan-
eity period.
Manual start: Unit is active once the input circuit and the start circuit are closed.
Increase in the number of available contacts by connecting contact expandsion modules
or external contactors/relays.