PNOZ m ES Profibus
Operating Manual PNOZ m ES Profibus
Front view
Rotary switch
x10 = Tens digit for the station address
x1 = Units digit for the station address
X1: PROFIBUSDP interface (female 9pin DSub connector)
X4: 0 V, 24 V:
Supply connections
Functional earth
Intended use
The expansion module PNOZ m ES Profibus is used for communication between the con
figurable control system PNOZmulti 2 and PROFIBUSDP.
PROFIBUSDP is designed for fast data exchange at field level. The expansion module
PNOZ m ES Profibus is a passive subscriber (Slave) of PROFIBUSDP (DPV0). The basic
functions of communication with PROFIBUSDP conform to EN 50170. The central control
ler (Master) reads input information from the slaves and writes output information to the
slaves as part of each cycle. As well as the cyclical transfer of usable data, PROFIBUSDP
can also be used for diagnostics and commissioning functions. Data traffic is monitored on
the Master/Slave side.
The expansion module may only be connected to a base unit from the configurable control
system PNOZmulti 2 (please refer to the document "PNOZmulti System Expansion" for de
tails of the base units that can be connected).