Flight Preperation
Make sure you have the right model programmed into your
Check the direction of each control surface for correct
operation before you take off .
Remember nothing wrong on the ground ever improves in
the air
Check the air plane with the engine running and do a range
check with as per your radio manufactures instructions your
body should be between you and the plane at 150 feet.
Check your battery voltage after each flight in case one
servo is draining your battery
Recheck all screws, horns and linkages for slop after your
maiden fight and check for damage if you made a bad landing
your first time
Have an experienced pilot fly it for the first time if you have
any doubts in your mind about the maiden flight
Take a break after you first flight and let the adrenaline burn
off by bragging to your fellow members how good it flies
Fly low and at a medium speed on your first few flights
Listen to your engine run and have an observer with you to
remember what you talked about during the flight or if you get
into trouble. Always balance your props, vibration is a killer.
Remember nose heavy airplanes fly all the time, tail heavy
airplanes fly only once. Be sure about the CG!
Fly 3D maneuvers high in the beginning and not close to
people, planes or runways. Being a center of the runway hog
does not endear you to other modelers.