Geschäftsführer: Dr. Bernt Götz • Telefon 03641/66880 • Fax 03641/668866 •
8.3.3 commands
command 'setk'
call: setk,<ch>,<0|1>
example: setk,0,1
answer: none
set the actuator on channel 0 (PIEZO 1)
to remote control
The command setk switches the remote control for one channel <ch> on <1> or off <0>. If
the remote control is activated you won't be able to change the position neither by the
ENCODER KNOB nor via MODULATION. With the command setk,<ch>,1 the pre-settled
encoder value is taken over. If the remote control is switched off by the command <0>, the
pre-settled value, command set or setall is taken over into the analogue control.
Turning the remote control off, the position of the actuator goes to minimal position.
command 'cloop' (
call: cloop,<ch>,<0|1>
example: cloop,1,0
answer: none
Channel 1 (PIEZO 2) is set to the
operation modus open loop
The command “cloop” switches channel of the amplifier (
) to the operation mode closed
loop <1> or to open loop <0>. Command without value reads out the current value.
command 'set'
call: set,<ch>,<wert>
example: set,0,5.53
answer: none
set the position of the actuator to the
given value. In closed loop (only CLE)
the value is 5.53 µm. In open loop the
value means 5.53 V
The command “set” sets a channel <ch> to the given value <value>. In closed loop (
) the
value means µm. In open loop the value means the voltage which is applied to the actuator.
Please pay attention that the remote control has been switched on before.
command 'setall'
call: setall,<value0>,< value 1>,< value 2>
example: setall,22,1.5,5.53
answer: none
sets the position of the actuator to the
given value <value0, 1, 2>, for instance
PIEZO1 to 22, PIEZO 2 to 1.5 and PIEZO
3 to 5.53
The command “setall” sets all channels to the given values <value>. In closed loop (
) the
value <value0, 1, 2> means µm. In open loop the value <value0, 1, 2> means the voltage
which is applied to the actuator. Please take care that the remote control for all channels has
to be switched on.
command 'rk'
call: rk,<ch>
example: rk,1
answer: rk,<ch>,<value>
That means for
open loop: 20.016V
closed loop: 20.016µm (
The command „rk“ reads out either the position value for one channel <ch> from the
measuring system in closed loop (
) or the voltage applied to the actuator in open loop. The