Geschäftsführer: Dr. Bernt Götz • Telefon 03641/66880 • Fax 03641/668866 •
8.3 controlling via interface
The amplifier series NV 40/3 and NV 120/1 can be controlled via RS232 interface. Therefore
signal parameters and information about the actuator position or status can be adjusted or
settled directly. Furthermore, the system settings of the amplifier unit can be changed by
using the interface. A fully PC controlled piezo system for automation purposes is feasible.
Please connect the amplifier system by using the RS232 or the USB interface with your PC.
During this the piezo amplifier must be switched off!
For using the interface a simple Terminal-Program can be used. Please note that the
“WINDOWS-HyperTerminal” isn’t a part of Microsoft® WINDOWS since
–VISTA is launched. By using the USB interface, please install the necessary
driver which is supplied on a CD-Rom with the amplifier unit or which is available for
download on our web site in
the area “download & publications”. The installation procedure is
explained in the PDF-
file “Treiberinstallation_NV40_3_NV120_1.pdf”.
The supplied VI-driver is used for the integration of the amplifier systems into an existing
Lab-View® program or for programming of a new program. As a part of the supplied software
package software for controlling of the amplifier units is included or can be downloaded from
our web site as well.
8.3.1 configuration RS232
For external control by PC interface RS232 the following settings are necessary:
Baud rate / Bits per second
Data bits
Stop bits
Flow control
Software (XON / XOFF)
chart 1: configuration RS232