Geschäftsführer: Dr. Bernt Götz • Telefon 03641/66880 • Fax 03641/668866 • www.piezosystem.com
10. set up procedure with RS232, USB, or Ethernet
Please set the parameters for the RS232 as following:
115200 baud
no parity
8 databits
1 stop bit
Please use a normal serial cable (1:1, plug/socket) to connect your computer to
the RS232 on the fiber switch. Use the installation software to install the driver.
Parameters for the USB interface are not required, a USB cable is included. An
installation program to set up the USB driver is located on the CD or on our
website under
"products & services."
With the help of USB - Ethernet converter SX-3000GB the corresponding
channels are selected via Ethernet interface.
For software installation and instructions, use the included CD.
10.1. interface control:
After powerup the RS232 sends a welcome string to the pc:
“piezosystem jena FSM12” followed by<LF><CR>
“piezosystem jena FSM13” followed by<LF><CR>
“piezosystem jena FSM14” followed by<LF><CR>
“piezosystem jena FSM16” followed by<LF><CR>
“piezosystem jena FSM19” followed by<LF><CR>
“piezosystem jena FSM112” followed by<LF><CR>