Updating Software (Receiver to Receiver)
Note: These instructions apply to primary and secondary receivers with
SCART ports. lf you need assistance in identifying your specific equipment
configuration, contact your authorized dealer.
a. Connect primary and second receivers with RS232C cable.
b. Power on the primary Receiver so it remains in standby mode.
c. After starting successfully, turn on second Receiver to begin update.
d. The display panel of the primary Receiver will blink the letter “H.”
e. Input the password “123” by remote control to update the software.
After the update, “-End” and “OK” will display on each panel.
g. Turn off the second Receiver, disconnect the RS232C cable and restart.
Note: Input the password “123” to update the software.
Input the password “456” to update the data.
Input the password “789” to update the software and data.
Input the password “369” to copy the whole flash.
Updating Software (Computer to Receiver)
a. Connect your PC and Receiver with RS232C cable.
b. Turn on the Receiver so it remains in standby mode.
c. Startup the software of “STB5518.exe” on your PC, press “Select” key,
select “*.bin” then select port. Press “start” on your PC. Upgrade will begin.
d. After upgrade, “-End” will display on the Receiver panel.
e. Turn off the Receiver, disconnect RS232C Cable and restart.
Note: You need a 9-pin twisted RS-232C cable (pin-2 to pin-3, pin-3 to pin-2,
pin-5 to pin-5). You cannot turn off the secondary Receiver until it displays
“-End” and “OK” on the panel.
Note: Due to a new modification of flash to 16M, you need to press the
button to put Receiver in standby mode before you update the soft-
ware from computer or Receiver (primary Receiver only).
Update Software