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N725T0002, valid for N-725.2A
Physik Instrumente (PI ) GmbH & Co. KG_Auf der Roemerstrasse 1_76228 Karlsruhe/Germany
Phone +49 721 4846-0, Fax +49 721 4846-1019 E-mail [email protected],
Fastening the N-725.2A
You have read and understood the safety precautions (p. 3).
Fastening the N-725.2A
Fasten the objective to the thread intended for this purpose.
For detailed instructions refer to the separate technical note P721T0002 for PIFOC®
QuickLock thread options.
Start-Up and Operation
General Notes on Start-Up and Operation
Uncontrolled oscillation!
Oscillations can cause irreparable damage to the Z-drive. Oscillations are indicated
by a humming and can result from the following causes:
The load and/or dynamics of operation differ too much from the calibration
The Z-drive is operated near its resonant frequency.
If you notice oscillations, stop the Z-drive immediately.
Starting Up and Operating the N-725.2A
You have read and understood the following sections:
Safety Precautions (p. 3)
General Notes on Start-Up and Operation (p. 5)
Starting up and operating the N-725.2A
Follow the instructions in the manual of the used piezo controller for start-up and operation of
the N-725.2A.