Never make any of these connections with the ampli-
fier powered “ON”. The amplifier should only be powered
“ON” after all connections have be completed and thorough-
ly checked for proper polarity.
Only sequential pairs of channels can be bridged
together, i.e. channels 1 & 2, channels 3 & 4, channels
5 & 6, channels 7 & 8, channels 9 & 10, and channels
11 & 12. Do not attempt to bridge non sequential channels,
as this will result in no output from the speaker, and may
damage your amplifier. The minimum impedance for the
total load connected to a pair of channels in the bridged
mode is 8-ohms.
This amplifier is capable of use with standard US
voltage (115VAC) as well as European voltage (230VAC).
The amplifier will be preset for the voltage of the country
it is sold in. Use with other voltages requires some
changes to be made to the amplifier. Should you wish
to use the amplifier in a country other than the one for
which it was purchased, please contact Innovative Home
support at 1-800-435-7115.
Speaker Terminals
Each channel has a pair of multi-way binding post. These are
the red and black screw posts at the lower rear of the amplifier.
If you will be using the
amplifier as a 12-channel
(i.e.- not a bridged ampli-
fier) you will connect the
speakers positive (red)
terminal to the amplifiers
positive (red) terminal
using the appropriate
gauge speaker wire, and
the speakers negative
(black) terminal to the
amplifiers negative (black)
terminal (immediately
below the positive termi-
nal) using the appropriate
gauge speaker wire. If you
would like to use one pair or multiple pairs of channels bridged,
place the “MODE” switch in the “BRIDGED” position and use
both RED terminals to connect to the speaker.
Bridged Operation in the MX1230
Bridging channels combines two channels to create one more
powerful channel. The MX1230 has twelve channels rated at 30
watts into 8 ohms. Any two adjacent
channels may be bridged to provide a
single more powerful channel rated at
100 watts into 8 ohm loads.
Bridgeable pairs of channels are located
below each mode switch that selects a
mode of “Stereo” or “Bridged” as
options. Bridgeable pairs are adjacent
even and odd numbered channel pairs
such as “1 & 2”, “3 & 4”,”5 & 6”, etc.
With the amplifier powered “Off” and unplugged from the AC
mains, select “Bridged” at the “Mode” switch. Insert a single
RCA connector into the even numbered channel’s input or
select one of the buss inputs for the even numbered channel.
No input is required for the odd numbered channel of the
bridged pair. Connect your speaker wires to the two “Red” or
positive speaker terminals for the two adjacent channels being
bridged. The “Red” (positive) terminal for the even numbered
channel is the
(+) or non-inverted connection and the
“Red” (positive) terminal for the odd numbered channel is
(-) or inverted channel of the bridged pair. Be careful
to observe correct polarity in these connections. Be sure that
you have the volume controls for the two channels being
bridged set to the same level. If one is turned down relative
to the other the positive and negative halves of the output
will be unequal and you may perceive a loss of low frequency
response and/or volume in the signal.
It is important to note that
the minimum impedance for a
bridged channel is 8 ohms.