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34      EN

 EN      35


•  Pleasure make sure the mobile phone network signal is 

good during use.

•  If the recording is failed, please check whether the 

permission of recording audio of the translator App is 

6.2 Online text translation

Click “Online Translation” in App main interface, and then 
you can type in the text you want to translate. The text will 

be quickly translated into other languages. You can click the 
trumpet to broadcast the translation outcome in voice. As 
shown below:

1.Click “Translate” button to translate.

 to broadcast the translation outcome in voice.

3.Click   to display in full screen.

Summary of Contents for VoiceTracer VTR5080

Page 1: ...User manual 使用手册 ...

Page 2: ...2 ZH ...

Page 3: ... Android 手机必须的权限 5 2 4 手机兼容性 5 2 5 软件下载 5 3 您的翻译器 7 3 1 供货范围 7 3 2 概览 7 3 3 指示灯 7 4 开始使用 9 4 1 开 关机 9 4 2 充电方法 9 5 设备绑定 解绑 10 5 1 绑定设备 10 5 2 解绑设备 12 6 功能介绍 13 6 1 语音翻译 13 6 2 在线文本翻译 14 6 3 照片翻译 15 6 4 设置语言 15 6 7 锁屏启动语音对话 16 7 常见问题 17 8 技术参数 18 9 备注 19 ...

Page 4: ...4 ZH 1 欢迎 欢迎来到飞利浦世界 您能选择和购买飞利浦的产品 我们非 常高兴 您可在我们的官方网站上获得飞利浦公司的全方位技 术支持 如 使用手册 软件下载 保修信息等 www philips com 1 1 产品特点 一键录音翻译 一键拍照翻译 在线文本翻译 支持 20 种语言 常用口语学习 长时间续航 全球设立服务器 ...

Page 5: ...译器功能正 常使用 权限设置可以在App首次使用时系统弹出的权限申请点击同意 或者去系统设置 飞利浦翻译器 App 权限管理界面设置 2 3 必要权限 获取手机信息 IMEI 定位权限 6 0 以上蓝牙连接需要定位权限 相机 读写手机存储 录音 锁屏显示 后台弹出界面 提示 由于 Android 手机的版本比较多 所以不同的手机权限名 称可能会有差别 2 4 手机兼容性 由于受手机厂商限制 部分手机如华为等不能支持蓝牙麦克风 拾音 只能用手机自带麦克风拾音 但音频输出不受影响 给 您带来不便 敬请谅解 2 5 软件下载 1 国内下载 Android 可通过扫描二维码下载 IOS 可通过扫描二维码下载 在 App Store 搜索 Philips VTR5080 下载 ...

Page 6: ...6 ZH 2 国外下载 Android 可通过扫描二维码下载 在 Google Play 搜索 Philips VTR5080 下载 IOS 可通过扫描二维码下载 在 App Store 搜索 Philips VTR5080 下载 下载二维码 ...

Page 7: ...ZH 7 中文 3 您的翻译器 3 1 供货范围 3 2 概览 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 开关键 2 充电 USB 3 其他语言 4 指示灯 5 本地语言 6 拍照翻译 7 挂绳孔 8 音量调整键 3 3 指示灯 ...

Page 8: ...8 ZH 开机 蓝色 LED 亮 1 秒 关机 红色 LED 亮 1 秒 充电 红色 LED 常亮 充满电 蓝色 LED 常亮 低电 红色 LED 闪烁 ...

Page 9: ...1 开 关机 注意 第一次使用翻译器时 请对翻译器充电半小时 以确保翻 译器有电工作 开机 把开关键向上拨至 ON 处 翻译器会有语音播报 Power on 即开机成功 关机 把开关键向下拨至 OFF 处 翻译器会有语音播报 Power off 即关机成功 如下图所示 ON OFF 提示 如果翻译器无法正常启动 请确认机器是否没电 4 2 充电方法 使用 USB 充电线与翻译器连接 充电时红色 LED 常亮 充满电时蓝色 LED 常亮 ...

Page 10: ...ZH 5 设备绑定 解绑 App 的使用必须要绑定翻译器才可以使用 请第一次使用时绑 定翻译器 在连接翻译器之前 请打开手机蓝牙和翻译器开关 5 1 绑定设备 1 打开 APP 进入 APP 绑定设备界面 如下图示 2 输入设备的 ID 设备的 ID 在翻译器背面可查看 如下图示 3 点击立即绑定 此过程 App 会连接设备的蓝牙 蓝牙必须打 开 连接成功后会自动绑定设备 设备绑定成功进入 App 主界面 ...

Page 11: ...文 注意 如果您的手机是 Android 手机 首次绑定翻译器时 点击 绑定时手机会弹出配对提示 请一定点击配对 如果不点 击配对 蓝牙是不会连接成功 只有蓝牙配对成功才会正 常连接 Android 不同手机提示配对会有差别 有的手机 在通知栏提示 有的手机直接弹出对话框提示 如下图所 示 IOS 设备初次绑定是需要到系统蓝牙连接蓝牙 请将系统两个 名字相同的蓝牙都连接上设备 必须两个蓝牙连接才可以录音 如下图所示 ...

Page 12: ...次使用翻译器时 只需 要打开翻译器开关 将翻译器设备靠近手机 App 会自动连接 翻译器设备 如果无法连接请手动启动 App 连接成功后会语 音播报 设备已连接 5 2 解绑设备 在我的设备界面 您可以解绑设备 如下图所示 解绑后手 机蓝牙还有连接的翻译器的配对记录 如果您短期内不打算使 用该翻译器 建议在系统蓝牙取消该蓝牙配对记录 提示 App 正在连接设备时是无法解除绑定的 请在翻译器连接状 态显示 设备未连接或设备已连接的情况下再进行解绑设 备 ...

Page 13: ...语音按钮或者长按 翻译器语音对话键 两个按钮均可 可以打开语音对话界面 并且开始录取用户说话 松开按键进行语音识别 识别成功后 去执行翻译 翻译成功后显示翻译后的结果并语音播报 语音 对话翻译界面 两种显示模式 如下图所示 列表显示 镜像显示 1 长按翻译器语言按键 说完后松开 就可以实行语音识别并 且翻译 2 翻译器有两个按键 一个是 ME 指点击该按钮我讲话 一个是 YOU 指点击该按钮对方讲话 3 语音翻译的语言可以在语音对话界面点击当前语言来切换 ME 和 YOU 的语言 如下图所示 ...

Page 14: ...别和翻译都不准确 5 在镜像界面点击 切换至列表界面 在列表界面点击 切换至镜像界面 6 点击 播报翻译的结果 7 在列表界面长按翻译结果可以复制原文 复制译文 清空对 话列表 如下图所示 提示 请在使用过程中确保手机网络信号良好 如果录音失败 请检查翻译器 App 是否打开了录音权限 6 2 在线文本翻译 在 App 主界面点击在线翻译 Online Translation 您可以 输入您想要翻译的文本 可以快速翻译成其他语言 翻译后的 结果 可以点击喇叭进行语音播报 如下图所示 ...

Page 15: ...p 主界面点击拍照按钮或者按翻 译器的拍照键来进行拍照翻译 1 点击 执行拍照 或按翻译器拍照键也可以执行拍照 2 拍照结束后 用户通过涂抹要识别的区域来执行识别 识别 成功后执行翻译 翻译成功显示翻译的结果 3 点击 全屏翻译 执行全屏翻译 4 点击语言可以切换原语言和翻译语言的语言 支持 10 种语 言 如图所示 5 点击 播报图片识别后翻译的结果 注意 拍照翻译请尽量确保拍摄的图片清晰 图片模糊可能会影 响图片识别及翻译的结果 6 4 设置语言 在设置 设置语言里面可以设置语音翻译语言 拍照翻译语言 收藏语言 6 5 语音翻译 1 点击主语言可以设置语音翻译的主语言 2 点翻译语言可以设置语音翻译的翻译语言 ...

Page 16: ...译的主语言 2 点翻译语言可以设置拍照翻译的翻译语言 6 7 锁屏启动语音对话 注 仅指 Android 手机 我们可以在不手动解锁手机的情况下 也可以通过点击翻译器 设备启动语音对话 必须打开应用程序的锁屏显示权限 以小 米手机为例 需要打开锁屏显示和后台弹出界面这两个权限 如下图示 6 8 音量设置 当把音量最大开关打开时 每次语音播报都是以系统最大音量 播报 如图所示 在翻译器左侧的按钮可以调节翻译器音量的大小 长按音量调 大 短按音量调小 如图所示 ...

Page 17: ...一直显示绑定中 首次使用时 android 手机请务必点击允许配对蓝牙 3 翻译器设备无法连接 或者连接失败 请确定翻译器设备是否还有电 设备是否打开 并且翻译器是 否在附近 若长时间无法连接成功请重启设备 4 翻译器设备无法录音 Android 手机 请去设置 应用程序权限 查看飞利浦翻译器 App 是否打开了录音权限 IOS 设备 Ios 设备初次绑定时需要到系统蓝牙连接蓝牙 确定 系统蓝牙有两个名字为 VTR5080 4845 的设备都连接才可以录 音 5 录音会掉字 点击翻译器设备到启动语音需要很短的时间 请在听到翻译器 滴 声后再开始说话 6 华为手机无法通过翻译器设备录音 由于受手机厂商限制 部分手机如华为等不能支持蓝牙麦克风 拾音 只能用手机自带麦克风拾音 但音频输出不受影响 ...

Page 18: ...18 ZH 8 技术参数 硬件 支持蓝牙 V5 0 工作频率 2 402 2 480 Ghz 发射功率 Class 2 工作电压 3 7 V 工作电流 80mA 连接设备待机电流 3mA 不连接设备待机电流 1 8mA 传输距离 10 米 直线空旷条件 工作温度 20 70 C 存储温度 30 85 C 软件 苹果手机 IOS 8 0 系统以上 安卓手机 Android 5 0 系统以上 ...

Page 19: ...ZH 19 中文 9 备注 本产品由深圳市车宝信息科技有限公司提供技术支持 ...

Page 20: ...tor light 25 4 Start to Use 26 4 1 Power On Off 26 4 2 Battery Charging 26 5 Device Binding Unbinding 27 5 1 Bind the device 27 5 2 Unbind the device 30 6 Function Introduction 32 6 1 Speech translation 32 6 2 Online text translation 34 6 3 Camera translation 35 6 4 Set language 35 6 7 Start the speech dialog from the Lock screen 36 6 8 Set volume 36 7 Frequently Asked Questions FAQ 38 8 Technical...

Page 21: ...hilips full scale technical support on our official website such as manuals software downloads warranty information and more www philips com 1 1 Product Features One key Recording Translate One key Camera Translate On Line Text Translate Support 20 Languages Commonly Used Language Learning Long duration Servers Around the World ...

Page 22: ...nslator App Permission management interface to set 2 3 Necessary Permission Get device information IMEI Get location information Access camera Access and change files on internal storage Record audio Show on Lock screen Display pop up window Hint Since there are many Android version there may be distinctions of permission name for different phones 2 4 Phone compatibility Due to the limitations of ...

Page 23: VTR5080 in App Store and download 2 Download in Foreign Country For Android Download by scanning QR code Search for Philips VTR5080 in Google Play and download For IOS Download by scanning QR code Search for Philips VTR5080 in App Store and download Download QR code ...

Page 24: ...24 EN 3 Your Translator 3 1 Scope of supply 3 2 Overview 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Power 2 Charging USB 3 Other Language 4 Indicator light 5 Local Language 6 Camera translate ...

Page 25: ...yard hole 8 Hold to volume up press to volume down 3 3 Indicator light Power On blue LED lights for 1 second Power Off red LED lights for 1 second Charging red LED on Fully charged blue LED on Low battery red LED flashes ...

Page 26: ...on in voice that is successful power on Power Off turn the switch down to OFF the translator will announce Power off in voice that is successful power off As shown as figure below ON OFF Hint make sure the device is not out of electricity 4 2 Battery Charging Connect the USB cable to the translator The red LED will be on during charging The blue LED will be on if the device is fully charged ...

Page 27: ... bind the device first please bind the translator when first use Before connecting the translator please turn on the Bluetooth of your mobile phone and the translator 5 1 Bind the device 1 Open the App and enter the device binding interface of App as shown below ...

Page 28: ...ully connected and if the device is bound successfully it will enter the main interface of the App Note with the translator there will be a pop up matching notice when you click to bind please do click to match Otherwise it will not successfully connect the Bluetooth Only when the Bluetooth is successfully matched it will connect normally Different Android phones have different matching notice som...

Page 29: ...u are using an IOS phone please go to Settings Blue tooth to bind the device of which the name is also trans lator_ when first binding the translator Otherwise the recording function cannot be normally used As shown below ...

Page 30: ... App will automatically connect with the device If it is not please start the App manually and the it will announce The device is connected in voice after successful connec tion 5 2 Unbind the device You can unbind the device at My Device interface as shown below After unbinding there will still be matching record of connected translator if you don t want to use this translator it is suggested to ...

Page 31: Hint It is not possible to unbind the device when the App is connecting to it please unbind the device when the connection status display of the translator shows that the device is not connected or is connected ...

Page 32: ...tton of the translator both buttons are ok to open speech conversation interface and start to monitor the conversation of the user release the button to conduct speech recognition and translate after successful recognition It will display the outcome of translation and broadcast in voice after successful translation The Speech conversation interface two display model is as shown below ...

Page 33: ...on can switch the language of ME and YOU through clicking current language in speech conversation interface As shown below 4 Click Correct in tabulate interface to correct errors errors refer to inaccurate recognition inaccurate translation and both 5 Click in mirror interface to switch to tabulate interface and click in tabulate interface to switch to mirror interface 6 Click to broadcast the tra...

Page 34: ...6 2 Online text translation Click Online Translation in App main interface and then you can type in the text you want to translate The text will be quickly translated into other languages You can click the trumpet to broadcast the translation outcome in voice As shown below 1 Click Translate button to translate 2 Click to broadcast the translation outcome in voice 3 Click to display in full screen...

Page 35: ...d the translation outcome will be displayed after successfully translated 3 Click Full screen translation to conduct full screen translation 4 Click Language to switch the language of source language and target language support 10 languages As shown below 5 Clickto broadcast the translation outcome in voice Note Please try to make sure that the picture is clear enough blurry picture may affect the...

Page 36: ...can press the translator device to start speech dialog without manually unlock the phone But the permission of show on Lock screen of App must be permitted take MI phone for example two permissions of show on Lock screen and display pup up window shall be opened As shown below Show on Lock screen Display pop up window 6 8 Set volume When opening Maximum Volume switch each time of voice broadcastin...

Page 37: ...EN 37 English The button on the left side of the translator is used to adjust the volume Long press to turn the volume up and short press to turn the volume down As shown below ...

Page 38: ... translator device cannot be connected or fails to connect Please make sure the translator device is charged and turned on and the translator must be nearby If it still cannot be connected please reboot the device 7 4The translator device cannot record Android phone please go to Settings Apps permission to see if the Record audio permission of Philips Translator App is on IOS device for initial bi...

Page 39: ...hrough translator device Due to the limitations of mobile phone manufacturers some mobile phones such as Huawei cannot support Bluetooth microphone pickup can only use mobile phone built in microphone for pickup but the audio output is not affected ...

Page 40: ...Class 2 Working voltage 3 7V Working current 80mA Connected standby current 3mA Unconnected standby current 1 8mA Transmission distance 10 meters in linear open condition Working temperature 20 70 C Storage temperature 30 85 C 8 2 Software Apple phone IOS 8 0 system and above Android phone Android 5 0 system and above ...

Page 41: ...EN 41 English 9 Remarks The technical support for this product is provided by Shenzhen Chebao Information Technology Co Ltd ...

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Page 44: ...版权所有文档版本 1 1 2018 08 01 2018 Speech Processing Solutions GmbH www philips com welcome Register your product and get support at ...
