background image




Electrical Diagrams and PWB’s

Mapping Top Side

 1012 B4

1013 B4
1014 D1
1100 F7
1200 C13
1300 I12
1301 F12
1302 H13
1500 F2
1501 I2
1701 B12
1702 H1
1703 B8
1705 B11
1900 C1
2000 E2
2100 G9
2101 F8
2102 G8
2103 F8
2104 F8
2105 E9
2106 E8
2107 E8
2108 G8
2109 G8
2110 F8
2112 G8
2113 F8
2114 G7
2115 F8
2116 G7
2117 F7
2118 G7
2119 G7
2120 F7
2121 G6
2122 F7
2123 F7
2124 F6
2125 F8
2126 F7
2127 F7
2128 F7
2129 F6
2131 F8
2132 G7
2133 F9
2134 G8
2135 G8
2137 F6
2139 F6
2140 F8
2141 G8
2142 F9
2143 G8
2144 F9
2145 G8
2146 F6
2147 E9
2213 D10
2233 F9
2240 F8
2241 F9
2300 I10
2301 I10
2302 H10
2303 H10
2304 G12
2305 F12
2307 G12
2308 H13
2309 H13
2310 H12
2312 G12
2313 G12
2314 G11
2315 E13
2316 E13
2317 H11
2318 I11
2319 I11
2320 E13

2321 G13
2322 F12
2323 F12
2400 F3
2401 F3
2403 F5
2408 D10
2410 E3
2411 E4
2412 E2
2413 D6
2414 D6
2415 C6
2417 C5
2418 D6
2500 B6
2521 F3
2522 F2
2523 F2
2525 G2
2526 H3
2527 H2
2528 H3
2529 H2
2530 I2
2531 I2
2532 I3
2533 H6
2605 I4
2607 G4
2635 I4
2636 I4
2638 F5
2700 C8
2701 B10
2702 C8
2705 B10
2706 G1
2707 H1
2708 C9
2709 C9
2713 H13
2715 B9
2716 B9
2717 B10
2718 C9
2719 B11
2720 C9
2725 C8
2728 E13
2729 B7
2730 B7
2732 D8
2737 B7
2738 B7
2740 B6
2741 A6
2742 D9
2747 C5
2748 G4
2751 C7
2809 D6
2814 D5
2816 E6
2900 C2
2901 C3
2902 D2
2903 D2
2904 D3
2906 B3
2907 D4
2908 B3
2910 B2
2911 C1
2912 C2
2913 C1
2914 C3
2917 B2
3003 E1
3019 B4
3020 B4
3021 B4
3022 B4

3024 B4
3026 B4
3027 B4
3028 B4
3030 B5
3038 E1
3100 E8
3101 E8
3102 E9
3103 E9
3104 F8
3105 G8
3106 E9
3107 G8
3108 E8
3110 F8
3111 E8
3112 E9
3113 E9
3114 E9
3116 E8
3117 F8
3122 F6
3123 G8
3124 F7
3125 G7
3126 F7
3127 G7
3128 G7
3129 G7
3130 G6
3131 G6
3132 F8
3133 F6
3134 G6
3136 F6
3138 G6
3142 F7
3143 F7
3144 F7
3145 F7
3146 F7
3147 F7
3149 G9
3150 G9
3152 F8
3153 F8
3154 G9
3155 G9
3156 F9
3157 G8
3158 F8
3159 F9
3160 G8
3161 G8
3162 G8
3163 G8
3261 F8
3262 F8
3263 E10
3265 F9
3272 E10
3274 E11
3275 E10
3277 E10
3278 E10
3279 E11
3280 E10
3282 E10
3283 E10
3293 F9
3294 E10
3300 I11
3301 I11
3302 I11
3305 H10
3306 H10
3307 H10
3309 H10
3310 G12
3312 G12
3315 G11
3316 G11

3319 G12
3321 G12
3322 G12
3323 H12
3324 F12
3326 F12
3327 F12
3332 H11
3333 H11
3334 H11
3336 F12
3337 F12
3338 I11
3339 E13
3342 F12
3344 G12
3345 H12
3346 I10
3402 D6
3404 D6
3405 D6
3406 D6
3407 D6
3409 D5
3411 D6
3412 C6
3413 D6
3414 C6
3501 F2
3503 F2
3504 F2
3505 F2
3506 F2
3509 F2
3510 F2
3511 F2
3512 F2
3513 F2
3514 F2
3515 F2
3516 G2
3517 G3
3518 G2
3519 G3
3520 H4
3521 H4
3522 H4
3523 H4
3524 H3
3526 I3
3527 H3
3528 I3
3529 H3
3530 G5
3531 G5
3633 D2
3649 D2
3700 C10
3701 C10
3702 B10
3703 B10
3704 C8
3705 C8
3706 C10
3707 C8
3708 B8
3709 B8
3712 B8
3713 C10
3714 B8
3715 C9
3716 C9
3717 C9
3718 B9
3719 B9
3722 B9
3723 B9
3724 B10
3725 B11
3726 C9
3727 C9
3728 C9
3729 B9

3730 B9
3733 B9
3734 B9
3753 B7
3763 H8
3764 C10
3765 C10
3766 C10
3767 C9
3768 C10
3769 C11
3770 C12
3771 C12
3772 C8
3774 C11
3775 C8
3814 D5
3815 D4
3816 C6
3900 C2
3901 C3
3903 D2
3904 D3
3905 C2
3906 C2
3908 B3
3909 B3
3910 B5
3911 C4
4001 E1
4007 C4
4008 C5
4014 E1
4100 G5
4103 F6
4104 F6
4203 G10
4301 H10
4303 G11
4304 G11
4400 C10
4401 C10
4405 E5
4500 G5
4803 D4
4901 C3
5100 F8
5101 G7
5102 G7
5300 H12
5301 H13
5302 H13
5402 D5
5403 F2
5501 H3
5504 G2
5700 B10
5702 B10
5703 H2
5704 G4
5709 C10
5710 C11
5718 I10
5719 B7
5720 B7
5723 B7
5726 C7
5801 E6
5900 B3
5901 C2
5902 C2
5903 B3
5904 D4
5905 B3
5906 C3
6100 E8
6101 E8
6400 D6
7100 E8
7101 E9
7102 F6
7103 E9
7105 G7

7106 F6
7107 F5
7108 F6
7109 E9
7110 F8
7111 G8
7209 F9
7300 H11
7301 G12
7303 F13
7305 D13
7400 C11
7401 F4
7404 D6
7405 D6
7406 E5
7409 C6
7412 D6
7413 D6
7501 G2
7504 H4
7505 G3
7506 H3
7507 I3
7508 F2
7509 G5
7700 C10
7701 C8
7703 C10
7705 C9
7708 C10
7709 C9
7710 C11
7720 B7
7803 E6
7901 D2
7903 C3
7904 D3
7905 D3
7906 C3

CL 26532053_035map.eps


Mapping Bottom Side

2004 B10
2005 B10
2006 B10
2007 B11
2008 B10
2009 B10
2010 B10
2011 B10
2012 B9
2013 B9
2014 B10
2015 B11
2200 G3
2201 G4
2202 D3
2203 D4
2204 G4
2205 G3
2206 F3
2207 G3
2208 F5
2209 D3
2210 F3
2211 E2
2212 E2
2214 D3
2215 G4
2216 F2
2217 G5
2218 F2
2219 F5
2220 F5
2221 C3
2222 E2
2223 E2
2224 E2
2225 E2
2226 E2
2227 E5
2228 E5
2229 E5
2230 E5
2231 E5
2232 E5
2234 D6
2235 D5
2236 D5
2237 D5
2238 D5
2239 E5
2306 F1
2311 F2
2402 E12
2405 D11
2501 C9
2504 C7
2505 H11
2506 G12
2507 C8
2510 C8
2511 H12
2512 H11
2513 C8
2516 B8
2517 B8
2518 G11
2519 H11
2520 G11
2524 G12
2601 E7
2603 G10
2604 H10
2606 G7
2608 G10
2609 H7
2610 H8
2612 H8
2613 H7
2614 H7
2615 H10
2616 H10

2619 F7
2620 G7
2621 H9
2622 H10
2623 F10
2624 E9
2625 E9
2626 G7
2627 F7
2628 H8
2629 H9
2630 G10
2631 F10
2632 E9
2633 E8
2634 F7
2637 G7
2703 G7
2704 G6
2710 I6
2711 F7
2712 F6
2714 H6
2721 F7
2722 F6 
2723 D7
2724 C6
2726 H6
2727 H6
2731 C5
2733 H6
2734 H6
2735 B7
2736 C7
2739 C5
2743 G6
2744 G6
2745 F1
2746 E1
2749 D7
2750 D7
2800 E9
2801 D9
2802 E8
2803 D7
2804 D7
2805 C8
2806 C8
2807 E8
2808 C8
2810 D9
2811 E9
2812 E9
2813 E9
2815 E7
2817 C9
2915 C12
2916 C12
2918 B12
2919 C11
3008 C12
3010 D12
3023 B11
3025 B11
3029 C11
3031 B11
3032 C11
3033 B11
3034 B11
3035 B10
3036 C12
3037 C12
3118 E5
3119 E6
3120 E5
3121 E5
3200 G3
3201 G3
3202 E2
3203 G3
3204 G3

3207 F2
3208 G3
3209 G3
3210 G3
3211 G3
3212 G4
3213 G4
3214 F1
3215 G4
3216 G4
3217 G4
3218 G4
3219 F2
3221 G4
3222 G4
3223 G4
3224 G4
3225 E2
3226 F2
3227 G4
3228 G4
3229 G4
3233 E1
3234 E1
3235 G4
3236 F2
3237 F2
3238 E1
3239 F2
3240 E1
3241 F2
3242 G5
3243 E1
3244 E1
3245 G2
3246 F2
3247 F5
3250 E5
3251 C3
3252 E2
3255 E5
3256 E2
3257 E2
3266 C3
3267 D6
3268 D5
3270 D5
3271 D5
3273 D5
3284 E5
3287 E5
3288 E1
3289 E2
3290 E2
3291 E1
3304 I2
3308 H2
3313 F2
3317 G2
3325 F2
3328 F2
3340 G2
3341 G1
3343 G2
3401 D11
3403 E12
3502 H12
3507 B8
3508 C8
3600 H7 
3604 E9
3605 E9
3606 G10
3607 G10
3608 G10
3609 H8
3611 E8
3612 E8
3613 E8
3614 G10
3616 H7

3623 F7
3624 G10
3625 F7
3626 G10
3627 G10
3628 F10
3629 G10
3630 G10
3631 H7
3632 H8
3634 H8
3635 H7
3636 H7
3638 H10
3642 G7
3643 G6
3644 G11
3645 G7
3646 G6
3647 H9
3648 E8
3710 G7
3711 G6
3720 F7
3721 F6
3731 F7
3732 F6
3735 C6
3736 C6
3737 C6
3738 B6
3739 B6
3740 H6
3741 H6
3742 B6
3743 B6
3744 C5
3745 C5
3746 C6
3747 B5
3748 B5
3749 H6
3750 H6
3751 B5
3752 B6
3754 C5
3755 C5
3756 C5
3757 B5
3758 B5
3759 G6
3760 G6
3761 B5
3762 B5
3773 B6
3800 E8
3801 E10
3802 D10
3803 E9
3804 E9
3805 E9
3806 E9
3807 D9
3808 E8
3809 E8
3810 E7
3811 E7
3812 D9
3813 D9
3902 C11
3907 C12
3912 C12
3913 B12
3914 D12
3915 D11
3916 D12
4005 B11
4006 B11
4200 C3
4201 D3
4204 E2

4602 G10
4605 F7
4606 F7
4800 E8
5200 G2
5201 G3
5202 E6
5203 C2
5204 C2
5401 D11
5502 C7
5505 G12
5600 G10
5601 H7
5602 F7
5603 G7
5701 G6
5705 I6
5706 F6
5707 I6
5708 H6
5712 F6
5713 D7
5714 D7
5715 H6
5716 F1
5717 E1
5721 C7
5722 H6
5724 G6
5725 I6
5800 E7 
5802 E7
6300 I3
6301 I3
6302 I4
7000 B11
7200 E2
7201 F2
7202 F2
7203 E1
7204 E2
7207 E4
7208 D2
7402 E11
7403 F12
7500 H11
7502 B8
7601 G9
7704 I6
7707 H6
7713 D7
7714 C6
7716 D1
7717 C5
7719 C7
7721 C5
7800 D8
7801 E9
7802 E8
7902 C11

CL 26532053_036map.eps


Summary of Contents for SD-4.00SA CH

Page 1: ...Mechanical Instructions 8 5 Test Instructions Mono Board DVD SD4 00SA_CH 11 Diagnostic Software Description 23 6 Block Diagram and Testpoint Overview Block Diagram 35 Testpoint Overview Mono Board 36 7 Electrical Diagrams Pwb s Diagr PWB Front End Proc and Laser Supply Diagram M1 37 47 49 Front End Processor Iguana Diagram M2 38 47 49 Front End Loader Interface Diagram M3 39 47 49 Back End Memory ...

Page 2: ... Y_output 13 C_REF GND 14 C C_output 15 CVBS REF GND 16 CVBS CVBS output 17 3V3 Power supply 3V3 18 3V3 Power supply 3V3 19 5V Power supply 5V 20 12V Power supply 12V 21 12V Power supply 12V 22 MUTE Analogue output Mute 23 GND GND 24 PCMSCLK PCM Bit clock 25 PCMDATA0 PCM data 0 26 GND GND 27 PCMCLK PCM Clock 28 PCMLRCLK PCM Word clock 29 GND GND 30 SPDIF SPDIF outpu 1 2 2 Optional Interface AV_100...

Page 3: ...e Interface at Location 1702 1 KOKSCLK Karaoke PCM bit clock I2S format 2 12V Power Supply 12V 3 KOKLRCLK Karaoke PCM left right word clock I2S format 4 GND Ground 5 KOKDATA Karaoke PCM data I2S format 6 GND Ground 7 KOKPCMCLK Karaoke PCM system clock I2S format 8 KOKVOCDET Karaoke vocal detect signal 1 2 7 Digital YUV Interface at Location 1704 1 GND Ground 2 SDA I2C SDA 3 SCL I2C SCL 4 Odd Even ...

Page 4: ...evel h l DSD PCM output Digital output for High End DAC Level h l I2 C clock I2 C data I2 C databus Level H L at modules connectors TXD RXD RTS CTS Service UART to be connected direct to PC serial input Output levels H L Input levels RS232 compliant Service activation To activate service mode this line is tied to GND 1 4 Performance 1 4 1 Digital Output CDDA LPCM according IEC60958 MPEG1 is conver...

Page 5: ...he output comply fully with PQR IMS Class III DC level sync bottom at 0 43V 10 100 white and 0 9V 10 black Output impedance 75Ohm The following specification points are significantly better then PQR_IMS SNR on all video outputs is better then 65dB Video bandwidth 8MHz 3dB 16MHz 3dB for STi5588 progressive scan ...

Page 6: ...resistance Keep components and tools at this same potential Available ESD protection equipment Complete kit ESD3 small tablemat wristband connection box extension cable and earth cable 4822 310 10671 Wristband tester 4822 344 13999 Be careful during measurements in the live voltage section The primary side of the power supply pos 1005 including the heatsink carries live mains voltage when you conn...

Page 7: ...Directions for Use EN 7 SD 4 00SA_CH 3 3 Directions for Use There is no DFU available ...

Page 8: ...Mechanical Instructions EN 8 SD 4 00SA_CH 4 4 Mechanical Instructions 4 1 Dismantling Instruction Figure 4 1 CL 26532053_072 eps 220502 ...

Page 9: ...bles are inserted properly into the Flex socket and locked 4 1 2 Opening of Tray Manually Figure 4 2 Figure 4 3 It is possible to open the tray manually by moving the Slider in the position as shown in Figure 4 2 and Figure 4 3 When the slider A is not accessible when a disc is loaded unlock the tray by pressing the slider B inward as shown in Figure 4 3 The Tray is now disengaged and can be pulle...

Page 10: ...h a new loader VAL6011 14 Note When replacing with a new VAL6011 14 two solder joints have to be removed after connecting the OPU flex foil to the board The solder joints which shortcircuits the laser diodes to ground are for protection against ESD Refer to Figure 4 5 and Figure 4 6 for location of solder points Figure 4 5 Figure 4 6 2 The mono board has to be repaired down to component level Repa...

Page 11: ...e RESETn testpoint F906 and the 3V3ST supply testpoint F784 reset circuit trigger signal Figure 5 1 Reset Nb The RESETn rising edge should be at least 100msec after the 3V3ST refer to Figure 5 1 If the reset input does not go high then check the reset circuit around transistor 7409 5 2 3 Clock Check To check the correct functioning of the STI55xx we first have to check the presence of all clocks A...

Page 12: ...he other commands can be carried out by selecting the command input and simply type the reference nbr to do the test or select the Menu driven test To be sure that the µP is able to run the diagnostic software serial port will be checked during start up Table 5 5 Serial port check With this test the serial communication is checked in both directions PM3380 B ch1 CH1 2 00 V MTB20 0ns ch1 CL 2653205...

Page 13: ...ilures by writing to all addresses and reading back This test takes a long time 110 sec Table 5 8 5 4 2 Audio Clock Switch Check The internally generated Audio clock can be set to either 44 1 kHz CD_DA 48 kHz DVD or 96 kHZ DVD To check the different mode use the following commands and measure the waveform as correct operation cannot be detected by the Diagnostic Software Table 5 9 Audio clock swit...

Page 14: the I2S output Table 5 13 NameTestpointWaveform Figure 5 9 PCMLRCLK Figure 5 10 PCMSCLK Ref Command Name Remark 19a AudioMuteOn AudioMuteOn Ref Command Name Remark 19a AudioMuteOff AudioMuteOff Ref Command Name Remark Audio outputs 21a AudioSineOn Audio Sine signal Off Audio Sine signal On Sine 1kHz on stereo Press stop button 20a AudioPinkNoi seOn Audio Pinknoise On Pink Noise on 6 channels 20...

Page 15: ...hat can be done without A V board First let the decoder generate pink noise on the audio outputs Table 5 14 Measure then these signals on level and frequency Table 5 15 Put the pink noise off Table 5 16 PM3394B ch1 CH1 1 00 V MTB 500ns ch1 1 CL06532065_010 eps 161100 PM3380B ch1 CH1 2 00 V MTB20 0ns ch1 1 CL 26532053_067 eps 210502 ch1 CH1 2 00 V BWL MTB100ns ch1 1 PM3380B CL 16532163_024 eps 2301...

Page 16: ... DENC ON 61a VideoColOutRGB RGB Colourbar 61b VideoColOutYUV YUV Colourbar 23b VideoColDencOff Colourbar DENC OFF Name Testpoint Waveform R_VID V F795 Refer to Figure 5 14 5 20 G_VID Y F796 Refer to Figure 5 15 B_VID U F799 Refer to Figure 5 16 5 21 CVBS_VID F788 Refer to Figure 5 17 C_VID F791 Refer to Figure 5 18 Y_VID F792 F796 Refer to Figure 5 19 PM3380B ch1 CH1 500mV BWLMTB20 0us ch1 1 CL 16...

Page 17: ... following commands Table 5 17 Slow blanking scart 5 5 3 Video Hsync Check To measure the Video Hsync the connector 1704 must be connected to the external video processing device such as high quality progressive scan codex and high quality Video DAC else there will not be any waveform To check for the Hsync the following commands can be used PM3380B ch1 CH1 500mV BWLMTB20 0us L 1 ch1p 1 CL 1653216...

Page 18: ...urbarDENC ON 15 625 kHz 0 02 Vpeak peak 3V Refer to Fig 5 22 61a VideoColOutRGB RGB Colourbar ON 15 625 kHz 0 02 Vpeak peak 3V Refer to Fig 5 22 23b VideoColDencOff Colourbar DENC OFF No measurements needed Ref Command Name Remark 44 BeReset Reset the Basic Engine PM3394B ch1 CH1 2 00 V MTB20 0us ch1 1 HSYNC CL06532065_019 eps 161100 Name Testpoint Value Vref F111 2 5V 0 3V Name Testpoint Value Va...

Page 19: ...f Command Name Remark 39a BeDiscmotorOn Discmotor on 39b BeDiscmotorOff Discmotor off ch1 CH 1 2 00 V MTB 200ns ch1 1 PM3380B CL 16532163_029 eps 230102 Name Testpoint Frequency STDBY_MOTOR F308 high MOTO1 I241 4Vpp 0 5V Refer to Figure 5 26 A3 F301 Refer to Figure 5 27 A2 F302 Refer to Figure 5 27 A1 F303 Refer to Figure 5 27 T1 F210 Refer to Figure 5 28 T2 F211 Refer to Figure 5 28 T3 F212 Refer...

Page 20: ...eted switch the Radial control OFF before executing next command 5 6 4 Sledge Test need a DVD disc in the DVD player to operate properly Use the following commands to move the sledge Table 5 27 Sledge Check for the waveform Figure 5 32 of SL at testpoint F219 Ref Command Name Remark 40a BeRadialOn Radial control on 40b BeRadialOff Radial control off ch1 CH1 2 00 V MTB5 00ms ch1 1 PM3380B CL 165321...

Page 21: ...use the following commands Table 5 31 Tray Measure voltage at the driver outputs of the BA5938FM for the tray closed Table 5 32 Tray closes Measure voltage and waveform at driver outputs while the tray is opening Name Testpoint Value SL F327 4 5V 0 5V SL F326 4 5V 0 5V Name Testpoint Waveform SL F327 Refer to Figure 5 33 SL F326 Refer to Figure 5 33 Name Testpoint Value SINPHI F347 1 5V 0 5V COSPH...

Page 22: ...e 5 36 FOC BefocusOn Figure 5 37 FO BefocusOff Name Testpoint Value Tray opening TRAY F340 2 0V 1 0V TRAY F338 6 0V 1 0V Ref Command Name Remark 38a BeFocusOn Focus on 38b BefocusOff Focus off ch1 CH1 2 00 V MTB 500us ch1 1 PM3380B CL 16532163_046 eps 230102 ch1 CH1 2 00 V MTB500us ch1 1 PM3380B CL 16532163_053 eps 230102 Name Testpoint Value Focus OFF FOC F134 5V 0 5V FOC F130 5V 0 5V FO F220 1 5...

Page 23: ...VD video player 5 7 2 Definitions and Abbreviations Definitions Control PC Automatic test equipment part of the production control system in the factory to control the execution of Diagnostic Nuclei in the DVD player Diagnostic Nucleus Part of the Diagnostic Software Each nucleus contains an atomic and software independent diagnostic test testing a functional part of the DVD player hardware on com...

Page 24: ...RAM interconnection test 4 The fourth line indicates the results of tyhe shared SDRAM read write test 5 The fifth line indicates what front panel processor was connected to the monoboard It could be one of the following SLAVE2 SLAVE3 SLAVE 4 or Not Detected 6 The last line is the prompt CC Press ENTER key and the main menu will appear For the layout of the menus see chapter Layout of Menu and Subm...

Page 25: ...PC according to the standard layout Example for a command without error Example for a command with error Termination The command line interface is terminated by switching off the DVD player 5 9 3 S2B Interface Set up Physical Interface Components Hardware needed Control PC one free COM port on the Control PC special cable to connect DVD player to Control PC S2B monitor tool running on the Control ...

Page 26: ...dio Burst On 21b MAIN AUDIO DIGITAL PORTS MENU 1 LFE_SEL High 56a 2 LFE_SEL Low 56b MAIN AUDIO EXT DAC BOARD MENU 1 DAC Reset 79 2 I2C Test 3 Clock 4 Audio 5 Low Power Standby 6 DAC Mode MAIN VIDEO COLOURBAR MENU 1 Colourbar DENC On PAL 23a 2 Colourbar DENC On NTSC 23c 3 Colourbar DENC MPEG Off 23b 4 ProgressiveScan MPEG On 24a 5 Enhanced YUV MPEG On 24b 6 Set Video Out To RGB 61a 7 Set Video Out ...

Page 27: ...specific screen layout can be given menu information will not be in a special format except for the layout as mentioned in the previous paragraphs A typical menu session can look as follows Figure 5 42 Depending on the height of the screen the text will start scrolling off the top of the screen Layout Of Results Diagnostic Nuclei On Control service Pc Results returned from a Diagnostic Nucleus to ...

Page 28: ...operate if a certain minimal set of hardware is functioning properly To test this set of hardware a set of basic diagnostic nuclei is embedded in the DVD player Each basic diagnostic nucleus will only test that part of the hardware which is required for execution of the diagnostic Engine e g a RAM test will only test that part of RAM that is used by the diagnostic engine After the Diagnostic Engin...

Page 29: ...Pinknoise On 20b AudioPinkNoiseOff Audio Pinknoise or beep tone Off 20c AudioBeepToneOn Audio Beep Tone On 21a AudioSineOn Audio Sine signal On Off 21b AudioSineBurst Audio Sine signal Burst 56a AudioLfePortHigh Set the LFE_SEL port to HIGH 56b AudioLfePortLow Set the LFE_SEL port to LOW 65 DAC_I2C Resets DAC and check I2C communication with DAC 66a DAC_I2CEnable Enable I2C communica tion to AV bo...

Page 30: ... Scart switching 57b VideoScartPinMi PIO pins as used in 2A for Scart switching 57c VideoScartPinHi PIO pins as used in 2A for Scart switching 61a VideoColOutRGB ST5508 Output RGB from ST5508 61b VideoColOutYUV ST5508 Output YUV from ST5508 Ref Reference Name Remark 26 DispVer Version number 27 DispKeyb Keyboard 28 DispRc Remote Control 29 DispLed LEDs 30a DispDisplay VFT Display test 30b DispLCDi...

Page 31: ...h Karaoke mode on 49 KaraokeMicInput Check path from the microphone input to audio output 50a KaraokeKeyOn Set Karaoke Key to the maximum level 1200 cent 50b KaraokeKeyOff Set Karaoke Key to flat octave 0 cent 51a KaraokeEchoOn Set Echo Control fuction on 51b KaraokeEchoOff Set Echo Control function off Error code Error text 1880 Test successful 1800 Test successful 1900 Test successful 1920 Test ...

Page 32: ... Requested subcode item could not be found 4232 TOC could not be read in time 4233 Seek could not be performed 4240 Test successful 4241 Parity error from Basic Engine to Serial 4242 Unexpected response from Basic Engine 4243 Communication time out error 4244 Basic Engine returned error number 0xXX 4245 Sledge could not be moved to home position 4246 Focus loop could not be closed 4247 Motor not o...

Page 33: ...y not pressed 2900 Test successful 2901 Slave not responding 2902 Slave keyboard not responding 2903 Standby led not working 2800 Test successful 2801 Slave display controller not responding 2802 Slave keyboard not responding 2803 No key press received from remote control Error code Error text 2600 The ROM version of the slave processor 0xXX and the internal ID 0xYY 2601 I2c bus busy 2602 I2c bus ...

Page 34: ...sful 5521 I2c bus busy 5522 I2c bus not working 5523 Scart switch controller not responding 5200 Test successful 5201 I2c bus busy 5202 I2c bus not working 5300 Test successful 5301 I2c bus busy 5302 I2c bus not working 5320 Test successful 5321 I2c bus busy 5322 I2c bus not working 4700 Number of times Tray went Open XX 4701 The total number of times tray went open could not be read from NVRAM 47...


Page 36: ...8 E10 F429 E12 F501 F12 F502 H10 F503 F12 F504 F12 F505 F12 F506 F12 F507 F13 F508 G12 F509 F13 F510 F12 F511 G12 F512 G12 F513 G13 F514 G12 F515 G11 F516 H12 F517 G12 F518 B8 F519 C9 F520 I11 F521 B8 F522 F10 F523 F10 F524 I11 F525 H10 F526 I12 F527 H12 F528 H12 F529 I11 F530 I10 F531 F11 F532 H9 F533 B9 F534 I9 F601 G10 F602 E8 F603 E8 F604 G10 F605 G10 F606 I7 F607 G10 F608 A11 F609 B10 F610 G7...

Page 37: ...0 F141 F10 F147 F3 F156 B3 F157 B2 F173 E11 F183 E4 F184 E4 F188 H5 F182 E4 F180 F3 F179 D3 F177 F11 F122 E3 F123 D11 F124 E3 F144 G11 F143 F10 F142 F10 F145 F3 F195 F193 F194 F192 2143 6n8 3V3SA AGNDS 680p 2140 3110 68K 3100 56K F169 100R 3163 5VSA 2 1 8 4 AGNDS 3160 39K 7106 A MC34072 3 AGNDS 6100 BAS316 100n 2119 AGNDS F141 2131 100n AGNDS 3157 100R F112 2106 68n 5VSA AGNDS F168 F180 100R 3156 ...

Page 38: ...10 A2 9 A3 8 A4 7 A5 6 A6 A7 5 27 A8 A9 26 13 DQ0 14 DQ1 15 M29F002 7208 12 A0 A1 11 A10 23 A11 25 4 A12 28 A13 29 A14 3261 2K7 3V3SD T026 F218 2237 F208 100n F259 F290 AGNDS 100n 2203 4K7 3282 F264 BC857B 7201 F206 T006 3267 3K9 F281 AGNDS F263 T029 3204 22K F223 F255 3287 F293 F292 3288 10K F225 2230 100n 22K 3216 33n F248 100n 2239 2235 3210 22K 3208 22K GND 3 2 IN 4 5 RESET_ 1 22K 3206 F213 72...

Page 39: ... D5 F349 G4 F350 C13 Front end Loader Interface 1 3323 E F G H I J K 1300 A2 H3 H3 F311 C2 F312 C13 F313 C2 F316 C13 F318 J14 F319 H2 F320 H2 F352 H13 F322 G2 F323 G2 F325 A14 F326 F2 8 9 100n 2318 1300 1 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 3310 F335 F340 27K F323 3V3SA 3319 100K 4K7 3307 MGND F338 3346 1R 3V3SD 3322 470R F318 F352 MGND 3313 27K 100n 2307 F327 F313 MGND F300 F348 100K 3306 12V 100n 2303 9V 2312 22p...

Page 40: ... VSS2 11 WE_ 2400 A6 18 A7 8 A8 7 A9 47 BYTE_ 26 CE_ 29 DQ0 31 DQ1 34 DQ10 36 DQ11 39 DQ12 41 DQ13 43 DQ14 45 DQ15 A 1 33 DQ2 35 DQ3 38 6 A10 5 A11 4 A12 3 A13 2 A14 1 A15 48 A16 17 A17 16 A18 9 A19 23 A2 22 A3 21 A4 20 A5 19 3V3ST 7402 Am29LV160B 25 A0 24 A1 BC857B 7413 3V3 22K 3413 3V3M1 22K 3404 F427 12 13 7 14 11 VCC_DRAM 7406 D F413 1u 2415 7405 BC847B 2414 100n 5402 100MHZ 7412 3 GND 2 IN 4 ...

Page 41: ... TO M6 89 3V3D Q 1500 G17 1501 P22 3526 1M F508 100n 2518 F533 F516 1 2 14 7 7501 A 2528 100n F507 3512 6K8 100K 3515 F526 3520 10K 100MHZ 5504 3523 100R 8 9 7 14 10 7509 4 11 12 7 14 13 7509 3 5501 680R 3513 5VD 100MHZ 560R F502 100n 2524 3528 F517 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 F524 1500 2516 100n 100n 2517 F512 7507 F 13 7 14 12 3V3D 2527 100n 10K 3530 7501 C 5 6 14 7 2522 1n5 3V3D 41 54 6 12 46 52 16 WE_ F522 ...

Page 42: ...DSTA 3K3 3605 F621 3638 D 4 5 2615 22p 3V3ST F611 47R F601 3621 10K F606 10K 3628 1 8 47R 3623 100R 3616 D 100R 3622 3 6 F655 3632 100R 2604 22n F608 3K3 3626 3642 3607 10K F652 F651 F648 F612 2626 100n F907 F906 2625 100n F656 2624 100n 3V3ST 3V3ST 22p 2601 3612 47R F647 2635 4u7 3V3ST F622 2631 100n F627 F625 3604 3K3 F624 F614 2633 100n 22p 2613 F629 3644 100R 3K9 F610 22p 2610 3645 47R 2616 22...

Page 43: ...UT To 5 Disc Changer 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 M6 106 M6 117 M6 105 M6 104 M6 103 M6 102 M6 101 M6 120 M6 109 M6 86 M6 87 M6129 M6128 M9 180 24 1 P 1701 N1 1702 E23 1703 D1 1704 I23 1705 A1 2700 B15 2701 B3 2702 B14 2703 C12 2704 C13 2705 C3 2706 D6 2707 D7 2708 D15 M9 140 M6 112 M9 139 M6 86 M6 87 I2S KARAOKE INPUT M6 116 M6 114 M6 119 1 2 3 ...

Page 44: ... 12 H_D_8 11 H_D_9 9 H_IRQN 28 H_PROCCLOCK 18 H_RWN 26 H_SEL_0 62 H_SEL_1 63 H_WAIT 27 PCM_CELF_IN 39 PCM_DCLK_IN 30 PCM_LERI_IN 40 PCM_LSRS_IN 41 PCM_WCLK_IN H_A_4 126 H_A_5 125 H_A_6 124 H_A_SEL 123 H_CSN 24 H_D_0 25 H_D_1 23 H_D_10 8 H_D_11 7 H_D_12 6 H_D_13 5 H_D_14 3 H_D_15 2 H_D_2 22 H_D_3 16 H_D_4 15 81 D_UDQM D_WEN 80 GND_CORE_1 20 GND_CORE_2 84 GND_IO_1 4 GND_IO_2 17 GND_IO_3 69 GND_IO_4 ...

Page 45: ...K12 4901 D14 5900 A15 5901 B5 5902 A12 5903 A8 5904 G3 5905 A15 5906 F4 7901 C11 7902 B3 7903 A7 7904 A I5 7901 7906 L 7904 B I6 7904 C I4 7904 D F11 7904 E F10 7904 F H7 7905 A H9 7905 B H11 7905 C I9 7905 D I11 7905 E K9 7905 F K10 7906 E5 F910 H16 F914 I16 F915 H12 F916 I12 F917 K12 F918 B11 F919 B12 BARE BOARD 3139 243 34065 STi5580 Frequency 74HCT04PW ICS612G 01 F920 D14 F922 I3 F923 G6 F925 ...

Page 46: ...12 F021 G13 F022 H3 F023 G9 F024 H12 F025 H13 F026 H12 M8 157 M8 154 M8 155 M9 184 17 4006 OPTION V DC Vtg measured in STOP MODE 0V 4V 4V 0V 2V 1V8 1V8 1V8 1V8 M6 111 M6 110 4014 DATA_LR DSD_LEFT M6 96 FOR BScan or DCU 4V M6 86 M8 163 3025 47K 3038 D F023 F017 F014 3028 33R 2013 22p F037 F057 3038 C F054 F052 4008 22p 2008 F024 F033 F021 33R 3019 7000 B 5 7 14 4 3 FUR_3V3 F029 7000 C 6 7 14 8 9 30...

Page 47: ...Electrical Diagrams and PWB s 47 SD 4 00SA_CH 7 Top Side CL 26532053_035 eps 260402 ...

Page 48: ...00 E8 6101 E8 6400 D6 7100 E8 7101 E9 7102 F6 7103 E9 7105 G7 7106 F6 7107 F5 7108 F6 7109 E9 7110 F8 7111 G8 7209 F9 7300 H11 7301 G12 7303 F13 7305 D13 7400 C11 7401 F4 7404 D6 7405 D6 7406 E5 7409 C6 7412 D6 7413 D6 7501 G2 7504 H4 7505 G3 7506 H3 7507 I3 7508 F2 7509 G5 7700 C10 7701 C8 7703 C10 7705 C9 7708 C10 7709 C9 7710 C11 7720 B7 7803 E6 7901 D2 7903 C3 7904 D3 7905 D3 7906 C3 CL 265320...

Page 49: ...Electrical Diagrams and PWB s 49 SD 4 00SA_CH 7 Bottom Side CL 26532053_036 eps 260402 ...

Page 50: ...50 SD 4 00SA_CH 7 Electrical Diagrams and PWB s Personal Notes Personal Notes ...

Page 51: ...H SACHI_4 is the 2nd generation Philips Architectural Standard Design of SACD mono board based on Furore 2 and will be used in the new generation of SACD players It is designed in a multi task way so that it can support the following optional main functions SD4 00_SA_CH Support SACD player with 5 disc changer SD4 00_SA Support SACD player with single disc SD4 00_CH Support DVD player with 5 disc c...

Page 52: ...verter An external resonator clocks this block This subsystem recovers the data from the channel stream It corrects asymmetry performs noise filtering and equalisation and finally recovers the bit clock and data from the channel using a digital PLL The demodulator part detects the frame synchronisation signals and decodes the EFM 14 bit and EFM 16 bit data and sub code words into 8 bit symbols Via...

Page 53: ...AC Block diagram Figure 9 4 Block diagram Furore We can divide the Furore IC in four main parts see block diagram 1 Host interface This is the link between the host bus and the internal registers and memory bus It also supplies the general reset signal HW and SW and the interrupt signals 2 Data processing All modules and peripherals in this part are connected to a so called PI bus It is beyond the...

Page 54: ...4 the music sampling frequency An external analogue to digital converter ADC acting as slave is required to convert the microphone signals to I2S signals CD DA DVD Data Path The data path for CD DA and DVD is as follows I2S data from the M2 basic engine enters the STi55xx The STi55xx processes the data and sends the 6 PCM output channels to Furore 2 The LeRi channels are directly passed to the AV ...

Page 55: ...y SCART Status Signal The SCART0 and SCART1 signals are directly available at the module interface where the 0_6_12V signal is generated See table below Table 9 1 0_6_12V SCART status truth table Mute The audio MUTE signal active high is directly available at the module interface Service Figure 9 6 Service Port Buffer The service port see diagram M5 is simplified to reduce cost The unused RTS and ...

Page 56: ... description for the end user DNR Dynamic Noise Reduction DRAM Dynamic RAM DSD Direct Stream Digital DSP Digital Signal Processing DTS Digital Theatre Sound DVD Digital Versatile Disc EEPROM Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory EFM Eight to Fourteen bit Modulation EMI External Memory Interface STi55xx FFC Flat Foil Cable FLASH Flash memory HPF High Pass Filter HW Hardware I2C In...

Page 57: ...9 4 1 Diagram M1 Figure 9 9 TZA1033 Device Block Diagram item 7100 DVDALAS2plus Advanced Analogue DVD Signal Processor and Laser Supply TZA1033 DEVICE BLOCK DIAGRAM Laser 1 Laser 2 Diode Ampli ers Processing DPD Land Groove Swap Dual Laser Supply Serial I Face Push Pull 3 Beam Tracking Var Gain Balanced HF Servo Signals OPU Interface Control Interface DVD CD D1 D6 MUX FTC Land V I references Rext ...

Page 58: ... 11 12 13 14 15 16 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 NEW CD A CD C CD B CD D CD REF CD E CD F VDDA1 VSSA1 DVD MI DVD A DVD B DVD C DVD D DVD REF TM VSSD COP COM COO VDDD5 STB LAND HEADER VDDD3 SIDA SICL SILD FTC TDO TD1 FTC REF TD2 LPF DPD1 LPF DPD2 O CENTRAL S2 S1 VSSA4 VDDA4 O D O C O B ...

Page 59: ...D Demodulator Motor Tacho interface Memory Proc CD DVD Erco drive interface subcode interface Erco Memory Proc DRAM interface Host interface multimedia interface interface PCS accelerator servo accelerator servo processor RAM address decoder 1k5 aux RAM SFRs cpu 1k5 ROM 736 RAM port regs cpu interface control registers CSS module A D A D Channel decoder µP Block decoder Servo encoder DAC ...

Page 60: ...V SS 3P7 XDD0 XDD1 XDD2 XDD3 XDD4 XDD5 XDD6 XDD7 XDD8 XDD9 XDD10 XDD11 XDD12 XDD13 XDD14 XDD15 V SS 3P8 V DD 3P8 IECO_CL1 vampire1 V DD 3C4 V SS 3C4 vampire2 vampire3 vampire4 vampire5 TEST8 TEST9 TEST10 POR_NEG BCA MOTO1 UDA3 UDA4 UDA5 UDA6 UDA7 P3_7_RDN P3_6_WRN P3_5_TXD2 P3_4_RXD2 VDD3P5 VSS3P5 P3_3_INT1 P3_2_INT0 P3_1_TXD1 P3_0_RXD1 HRESET VDD5P3 VSS5P3 DD7 DD8 DD6 DD9 DD5 DD10 DD4 DD11 DD3 DD...

Page 61: ...ator Refill control RID Diagnostic controller DCache SRAM ICache TAP CPU arbiter CACHE SUBSYSTEM ST20 arbiter memory controller I F SDRAM block move CD FIFOs Command I F SDRAM arbiter LMC OSD SP decoder Video filtering DENC Programmable CPU interface EMI Shared SDRAM interface SMI Video decoder and mixing JTAG debugging interface Analog digital video output 16 32 or 64 Mbit SDRAM Ext peripherals F...

Page 62: ...4 3 PIO4 4 PIO4 5 PIO4 6 PIO4 7 VDD3_3 VDD_PCM VSS_PCM VSS DAC_SCLK DAC_PCMOUT0 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 CPU_DATA 13 CPU_DATA 12 CPU_DATA 11 CPU_DATA 10 CPU_DATA 9 CPU_DATA 8 VSS VDD2_5 CPU_DATA 7 CPU_DATA 6 CPU_DATA ...

Page 63: ...NP80M 2507 2238 586 59812 0603 50V 100NP80M 2510 2238 586 59812 0603 50V 100NP80M 2511 2238 586 59812 0603 50V 100NP80M 2512 2238 586 59812 0603 50V 100NP80M 2513 2238 586 59812 0603 50V 100NP80M 2516 2238 586 59812 0603 50V 100NP80M 2517 2238 586 59812 0603 50V 100NP80M 2518 2238 586 59812 0603 50V 100NP80M 2519 2238 586 59812 0603 50V 100NP80M 2520 2238 586 59812 0603 50V 100NP80M 2522 4822 126 ...

Page 64: ...2 051 20228 2Ω2 5 0 1W 3328 4822 051 30153 15k 5 0 062W 3332 4822 051 30682 6k8 5 0 062W 3333 4822 051 30682 6k8 5 0 062W 3334 4822 051 30682 6k8 5 0 062W 3336 4822 051 20008 0Ω jumper 0805 3337 4822 051 20008 0Ω jumper 0805 3340 4822 051 30153 15k 5 0 062W 3341 4822 051 30272 2k7 5 0 062W 3342 4822 051 30008 0Ω jumper 3343 4822 117 12917 1Ω 5 0 062W CASE0603 3401 4822 051 30103 10k 5 0 062W 3402 ...

Page 65: ...721 4822 157 11499 BLM11P600SPT 5722 4822 157 70651 12µH NL322522T 120J 5723 4822 157 11499 BLM11P600SPT 5724 4822 157 70651 12µH NL322522T 120J 5801 4822 157 11499 BLM11P600SPT 5901 2422 549 43303 IND FXD SM EMI 100mH z 600R R 5902 2422 549 43303 IND FXD SM EMI 100mH z 600R R 5904 2422 549 43303 IND FXD SM EMI 100mH z 600R R 5905 2422 549 43303 IND FXD SM EMI 100mH z 600R R 6100 4822 130 11397 BA...
