Skin test
When you use Lumea for the first time or after
recent tanning, perform a skin test on each area to
be treated. The skin test is necessary to check your
skin's reaction to the treatment and to determine
the correct light intensity setting for each
body area.
Choose an area close to the area you intend to
Note: do not try the device on difficult or
sensitive areas (ankle and bony area).
Turn on the device. Make sure you select
setting 1.
Place the device at a 90° angle on the skin so
that the integrated safety system is in contact
with your skin.
The integrated safety system prevents
unintentional flashing without skin contact.
Press the flash button to release a flash.
Slide the device over the skin to the next area
to be treated.
Increase the setting by one level, apply a flash
and slide the device to the next area. Repeat
this for all levels within the recommended range
for your skin type.
After the skin test, wait 24 hours and check your
skin for any reaction. If your skin shows
reactions, choose the highest setting that did
not result in any skin reaction for subsequent
Note: Perform a skin test if you notice a skin tone
change from last treatment and wait 30 minutes
before treatment.
Summary of Contents for Lumea BRI860
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Page 5: ...English 6 Deutsch 40 Français 84 Italiano 123 Nederlands 163 Ελληνικα 203 ...
Page 83: ...83 Deutsch ...
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