background image

Schematics and PWB’s




Layout Large Signal Panel (Mapping Top View and Overview Bottom View)

CL 16532053_008.eps


Part 1

CL 16532053_08a.eps

Part 2

CL 16532053_08b.eps

Part 3

CL 16532053_08c.eps

Part 4

CL 16532053_08d.eps

2001 A8
2002 A8
2003 A7
2004 A7
2007 A7
2009 A6
2010 A8
2101 C8
2102 C7
2103 C7
2104 C8
2105 C8
2106 C7
2107 C8
2108 C7
2109 C7
2110 C8
2111 C8
2112 C7
2113 B8
2114 B7
2115 B8
2116 B7
2117 B8
2118 B8
2119 B8
2120 B7
2131 C8
2132 C7
2133 C7
2134 C8
2135 C7
2136 C7
2137 C8
2138 C7
2139 C7
2140 C8
2141 B7
2142 B7
2143 B7
2144 B7
2145 B8
2146 B8
2147 B7
2151 A8
2152 A7
2153 B8
2154 B7
2181 D1
2182 C1
2183 C1
2184 C2
2185 D1
2186 C1
2201 A5
2202 B5
2203 A5
2204 B6
2205 A6
2206 A5
2207 A5
2208 A5
2211 A5
2213 B5
2214 B5
2215 B5
2217 A5
2219 A6
2221 B5
2222 A7
2223 A7
2225 A6
2226 A6
2227 A6
2228 A6
2233 B6
2234 A7
2236 A7
2237 A7
2238 A7
2239 A7
2240 A7
2241 A6
2242 A6
2243 A6
2245 A5
2248 A7
2249 A6
2252 A7
2253 A7
2254 A7
2405 C6
2415 D5
2420 C6
2421 C6
2422 C6
2423 C5
2424 D5
2443 C6
2452 C8
2460 C5
2461 C5
2474 D8
2475 D8
2476 C7
2507 D4
2520 D4
2522 E4
2525 D4
2526 D3
2527 E4
2528 D4
2540 C3
2542 D3
2559 D4
2569 C5
2601 B6
2602 B6

2606 B7
2607 B6
2608 B6
2609 B6
2611 B6
2612 B7
2613 B6
2615 B6
2616 B6
2618 B6
2619 B6
2692 E1
2693 D2
2694 E1
2695 E1
2696 D1
2802 C4
2803 C3
2804 B4
2805 B4
2831 B3
2832 B3
2833 B3
2834 B3
2835 B3
2836 B3
2838 B3
2839 B3
2840 B3
2842 B3
2845 B3
2847 C3
2848 B3
2849 B4
2850 B4
2851 B4
2852 C4
2853 B4
2854 C4
2856 C3
2857 C3
2858 C3
2859 C3
2860 C3
2887 B4
2894 B3
2895 B3
2896 C3
2897 B3
2898 B3
2901 B4
2904 A4
2905 A4
2906 A4
2907 A4
2910 A4
2911 A4
2946 B4
2947 A4
2948 A4
2949 A4
2950 A4
2982 D1
2984 D1
3002 A8
3003 A8
3004 A8
3006 A7
3007 A7
3008 A7
3009 A6
3010 A7
3011 A7
3102 C7
3104 C8
3106 C7
3108 C8
3112 B7
3120 B8
3132 C7
3134 C7
3136 C7
3138 C7
3140 B7
3144 B8
3152 A8
3154 B8
3184 C1
3186 C1
3206 B5
3208 A5
3209 A5
3212 A5
3213 A5
3217 B5
3218 B5
3219 B5
3223 B5
3224 B5
3225 B5
3226 B5
3229 A5
3230 A6
3231 A5
3232 A6
3233 A8
3234 A6
3236 A8
3237 A7
3238 A7
3239 A7
3240 A8
3241 A6
3242 A5
3245 A6
3246 A5
3247 C6
3248 A5

3254 A6
3256 C6
3257 A6
3258 A7
3259 B6
3261 A7
3441 D7
3442 D7
3443 C6
3456 C7
3457 C6
3470 C8
3479 C8
3495 C8
3496 D8
3497 C7
3498 C8
3520 D4
3522 D4
3524 E4
3525 E4
3528 D3
3529 D4
3530 E4
3531 D4
3541 D3
3542 D3
3544 D3
3545 D3
3548 C3
3552 D3
3557 C5
3559 D4
3562 D4
3563 C4
3566 C3
3567 D3
3568 D3
3569 D3
3580 C2
3605 C6
3611 B6
3622 B7
3623 B6
3626 B6
3627 B6
3628 B6
3629 B6
3630 B6
3632 B6
3633 B6
3636 A7
3637 B5
3638 A5
3681 B1
3682 C1
3683 C1
3684 B1
3685 C2
3686 B1
3691 E1
3692 E1
3693 E1
3694 E1
3695 C2
3803 B4
3804 C4
3805 B4
3806 C4
3807 C4
3809 B4
3831 B3
3835 C3
3838 C4
3840 C3
3841 C3
3842 C3
3843 C3
3849 C3
3901 B4
3902 A4
3903 A4
3904 A4
3905 A4
3906 A4
3907 A4
3921 A4
3922 A4
3923 A4
3949 B4
3951 A4
4001 A7
4002 A6
4003 A7
4004 A6
4005 A7
4006 A7
4007 A7
4011 A6
4012 A6
4101 C8
4102 C8
4103 C7
4104 C7
4105 B7
4151 A7
4152 B7
4171 B8
4203 A6
4204 A5
4205 B5
4206 B5
4207 B5
4209 A5
4210 A5
4211 A5
4212 A6
4213 A6

4214 C5
4218 A6
4401 C7
4402 E8
4601 B6
4602 B6
4603 B6
4604 A5
4608 A8
4609 A8
4613 B5
4614 A5
4615 B6
4616 B6
4617 A6
4618 A5
4619 A6
4622 A7
4623 A7
4691 D1
4692 C2
4693 C2
4694 B1
4695 E1
4801 B4
4802 B4
4803 B4
4804 B4
4805 B4
4806 C4
4807 B4
4808 B4
4809 C4
4811 B4
4812 B4
4813 B4
4814 C4
4831 C3
4832 C3
4833 C4
4834 C3
4835 C3
4836 C3
4901 A4
4902 A4
4903 A4
4904 A4
4905 B4
4921 B4
4982 D1
4991 A7
5003 A6
5450 C8
5835 C3
6002 A8
6003 A8
6004 A7
6005 A7
6101 B8
6102 B8
6103 B8
6104 B8
6105 B8
6131 B8
6181 C1
6201 B5
6202 B5
6206 B5
6445 D7
6449 C7
6452 C6
6453 C6
6467 C5
6468 C5
6470 D7
6522 D3
6541 D3
6563 D4
6565 C4
6567 D4
6569 C3
6570 C3
6580 C3
6581 C3
6901 A4
7001 A7
7002 A6
7101 B7
7131 B7
7200 A6
7201 A5
7204 B5
7206 A5
7209 A8
7210 A7
7441 D7
7450 C6
7462 C5
7522 D4
7541 D3
7542 C3
7561 C4
7562 C4
7564 C3
7580 C3
7606 B7
7801 C4
7802 B4
7803 C4
7804 B4
7832 C3
7833 C4
7834 C3
7835 C3
7943 B4

0211 A2
0212 B3
0213 A3
0214 B1
0215 B1
0217 E5
0218 B1
0219 B1
0220 C6
0221 B6
0222 C8
0224 E8
0227 C7
0229 D7
0231 A2
0232 B1
0235 D8
0236 C7
0239 C3
0240 D6
0242 D7
0243 D5
0246 E4
0248 E5
0249 D6
0250 C7
0251 B3
0259 B1
0261 D5
0262 D7
0265 E8
0266 E6
0267 E4
0268 E3
0270 B1
0271 E4
0273 D7
0274 C6
0275 D4
0276 D5
0277 B1
0279 D6
0280 E4
0281 E4
0282 B5
0283 E7
0285 E7
0286 C2
0287 D7
0292 B1
0293 C2
0294 E5
0295 E6
1000 E8
1002 E6
1003 E6
1004 E6
1200 E5
1201 E5
1203 E7
1400 C6
1500 A2
1515 B3
1530 B5
1531 B5
1532 B4
1533 B4
1534 B4
1535 B4
1600 C1
1601 C1
1602 D1
1603 D1
1606 A1
1660 D6
1831 C3
2005 E7
2006 E7
2008 E8
2161 D7
2171 E3
2172 E3
2209 D5
2210 D5
2216 E5
2220 D5
2229 E6
2230 E5
2235 E6
2244 E6
2246 E6
2247 E6
2250 E6
2400 A5
2401 A6
2402 A5
2404 C6
2441 B7
2444 B6
2448 C6
2450 B5
2451 B6
2453 B6
2454 B6
2455 C5
2456 B6
2457 B6
2458 B6
2459 B6
2462 A6
2463 A7
2464 B5
2465 A6
2466 A6
2467 A6
2468 A6
2469 B6
2470 A6
2471 B8
2472 C8
2473 B8
2480 B8
2481 B7
2482 A8

2483 A7
2484 B6
2485 C6
2486 A8
2487 A8
2488 C7
2489 C7
2490 B5
2491 B7
2500 A2
2501 A3
2502 A4
2503 A4
2504 A5
2505 A5
2506 B3
2508 B5
2509 B2
2515 B5
2516 B4
2521 B3
2523 A4
2560 C5
2561 C5
2562 B4
2563 B4
2564 C4
2565 B5
2566 C3
2567 C3
2568 C3
2580 C2
2581 C3
2604 D6
2691 A1
2801 D4
2837 D4
2841 C3
2843 C3
2844 C3
2846 C3
2855 C3
2902 D4
2903 E4
2908 E4
2981 B1
2983 B1
3000 E8
3001 E8
3005 E6
3012 E7
3101 C8
3103 C8
3105 C7
3107 C8
3109 D8
3110 D8
3111 D8
3113 D8
3114 D8
3115 D8
3116 D8
3117 D8
3118 D8
3119 D8
3121 D8
3122 D8
3131 C7
3133 C7
3135 C7
3137 C7
3139 D8
3141 D8
3142 D8
3143 D8
3145 D8
3146 D8
3151 E8
3153 D8
3155 D8
3171 E4
3172 E4
3173 E4
3174 E3
3181 B1
3182 B1
3183 C1
3185 C1
3200 E6
3201 D5
3202 D5
3203 D5
3204 D5
3207 E5
3214 D7
3220 D6
3228 E6
3235 D5
3244 E7
3249 E7
3250 E7
3251 E6
3400 A8
3401 A7
3402 A5
3403 A5
3404 A5
3405 A6
3406 A6
3407 A6
3408 A5
3410 A5
3411 A6
3445 C6
3446 C6
3447 C7
3448 C7
3449 C7
3450 C7
3451 B6
3452 C6
3453 C7
3454 C6
3455 C7

3458 B6
3459 B6
3460 B8
3463 A6
3465 A8
3466 A7
3467 A7
3468 B5
3469 C6
3471 C8
3472 C8
3473 C8
3474 B8
3475 B8
3477 C8
3478 C8
3480 B8
3481 A7
3482 A7
3483 C6
3484 A8
3485 B6
3486 B6
3487 B5
3488 A8
3489 C6
3490 C6
3491 C5
3492 C5
3493 C5
3494 B6
3500 A2
3501 B2
3503 A4
3504 B3
3506 B3
3507 B2
3508 A2
3509 B3
3510 B3
3519 B4
3521 B4
3523 A4
3526 A4
3527 A4
3532 A3
3543 B3
3549 C5
3550 C3
3558 C4
3560 C4
3561 B4
3564 C4
3565 C4
3601 D7
3603 D6
3604 D6
3606 D6
3607 D6
3608 D6
3609 D6
3610 D6
3612 E7
3614 D6
3615 D6
3617 D6
3618 D6
3619 D6
3624 D6
3625 D6
3634 D7
3635 D7
3801 D4
3802 D4
3808 C4
3832 D3
3833 D3
3834 C3
3836 C4
3837 C4
3839 C4
3908 D5
3948 D4
3950 D4
3981 B1
3982 B1
5001 E7
5002 E7
5201 E5
5202 E5
5204 C5
5205 C5
5206 C5
5241 E7
5242 E7
5400 A6
5401 A6
5445 B7
5451 B6
5452 A7
5457 B6
5461 B5
5463 A5
5464 A5
5465 A5
5471 C8
5472 B8
5480 C6
5500 B2
5501 B2
5502 A3
5520 B4
5521 B4
5560 B4
5561 B5
5562 B4
5564 C5
5602 D6
5603 D6
5604 D6
5831 D3
5832 C4
5833 C3
6001 E7

6400 A8
6401 A5
6444 B7
6447 B6
6448 C7
6460 A6
6461 A6
6462 B5
6465 B6
6466 B6
6476 C8
6481 C7
6482 C7
6483 A8
6484 A7
6485 B7
6486 C7
6487 A8
6488 B7
6500 A4
6520 B4
6523 B4
6524 A4
6525 A4
6540 C3
6560 C4
6561 C4
6562 B4
6566 B3
6681 D1
6691 A1
6692 B1
6831 D3
6903 D5
7000 E3
7400 A6
7443 C7
7444 B5
7460 A6
7461 C5
7463 C5
7471 C8
7480 C7
7482 C7
7515 B3
7520 B4
7521 A4
7540 B3
7560 C3
7602 D6
7831 D3
7901 E4
7902 D4
9001 E7
9171 D7
9172 D7
9173 D7
9174 D7
9175 D7
9176 D7
9177 D7
9178 D7
9179 D7
9181 C1
9182 C1
9183 C1
9191 B1
9192 B1
9193 B1
9200 E5
9201 E5
9202 D5
9203 D5
9406 A6
9407 A6
9408 B7
9409 C5
9410 C6
9411 B6
9412 C6
9413 C6
9414 C6
9415 C7
9416 C8
9417 C7
9418 C7
9419 B8
9420 C6
9421 A8
9422 B8
9423 C5
9425 B8
9451 B6
9453 B5
9460 B6
9461 A6
9462 A6
9463 A6
9464 B5
9471 C8
9500 A2
9501 A2
9502 A2
9503 A3
9506 B2
9507 B2
9508 B2
9509 B2
9512 C4
9513 C4
9514 B5
9515 C5
9516 C4
9518 B3
9519 B3
9520 B3
9521 A5
9522 C4
9524 C4
9525 B4
9611 C5
9612 C5
9613 D5
9614 E5

9615 D7
9616 D7
9617 D5
9618 D7
9619 D5
9620 D7
9622 C6
9623 D7
9624 D5
9625 E7
9626 D5
9627 D5
9628 E7
9629 D6
9630 C5
9631 D6
9632 E5
9633 D5
9634 D5
9635 D6
9636 C6
9637 E6
9638 D6
9639 E5
9640 D7
9641 D6
9642 D6
9643 D5
9644 E5
9645 E5
9647 D7
9648 E7
9650 E7
9653 C5
9654 C5
9655 C6
9656 C7
9657 D6
9658 C6
9659 C6
9660 C6
9661 D7
9662 D7
9663 D7
9664 C6
9665 C6
9666 C6
9668 C6
9669 C6
9670 C5
9672 C6
9673 C5
9674 C5
9675 C7
9676 C7
9678 C7
9679 C7
9680 D5
9683 D5
9685 D6
9686 D7
9687 D5
9688 D5
9689 D7
9690 D5
9691 E7
9692 C5
9693 C5
9695 E7
9696 E8
9697 D7
9698 D7
9699 C1
9801 D4
9811 C4
9812 D4
9813 D4
9814 D4
9815 D4
9816 C3
9817 C4
9818 C4
9820 C3
9821 C4
9822 D4
9824 C4
9825 C4
9826 C4
9827 D4
9828 D4
9829 D4
9830 C4
9832 C3
9833 D3
9834 C2
9835 C2
9901 D4
9902 E4
9903 D5
9904 D4
9911 D4
9912 D4
9913 E4
9914 E4
9915 E4
9916 E4
9918 D4
9919 D4
9920 E4
9921 E4
9922 E4
9982 B1
9991 B1
9993 E8
9994 E5
9995 D5
9996 E7
9997 E8
9998 E5
9999 E5

CL 16532053_07m.eps


Summary of Contents for L01.1E

Page 1: ... C And Supply Voltage Overview Block Diagram 19 Testpoint Overview 20 I2 C And Supply Voltage Overview 21 7 Electrical Diagrams and PWB s Diagram PWB Power Supply Diagram A1 22 36 41 Line Deflection Diagram A2 23 36 41 Diversity Tables A2 A9 A12 24 Frame Deflection Diagram A3 25 36 41 Tuner IF Diagram A4 26 36 41 Video IF and Sound IF Diagram A5 27 36 41 Synchronization Diagram A6 28 36 41 Control...

Page 2: ...SC 4 43 playback only Channel selections 100 channels UVSH IF frequency 38 9 MHz Aerial input 75 W Coax 1 1 2 Miscellaneous Audio output RMS 2 x 5 W stereo 2 x 10 W stereo Mains voltage 220 240 V 10 Mains frequency 50 60 Hz 5 Ambient temperature 5 to 45 deg C Maximum humidity 90 R H Power consumption 58 W 21 to 100 W 33 Standby Power consumption 3 W 1 2 Connections 1 2 1 Side or Front Connections ...

Page 3: ...INT 4 5 7 V EXT 16 9 9 5 12 V EXT 4 3 9 GND 10 11 Green Y 0 7 Vpp 75 W 12 13 GND 14 GND 15 Red V 0 7 Vpp 75 W 16 RGB status 0 0 4 V INT 1 3 V EXT 75 W 17 GND 18 GND 19 CVBS 1 Vpp 75 W 20 CVBS 1 Vpp 75 W 21 Earth GND External 2 YC in CVBS in out Figure 1 4 1 Audio R 0 5 Vrms 1 kW 2 Audio R 0 5 Vrms 10 kW 3 Audio L 0 5 Vrms 1 kW 4 GND 5 GND 6 Audio L 0 5 Vrms 10 kW 7 8 CVBS status 0 2 0 V INT 4 5 7 ...


Page 5: ... levels for example in a kitchen the recommended interval is one year The maintenance inspection includes the following actions 1 Perform the general repair instruction noted above 2 Clean the power supply and deflection circuitry on the chassis 3 Clean the picture tube panel and the neck of the picture tube 2 3 Warnings In order to prevent damage to ICs and transistors avoid all high voltage flas...

Page 6: ... Dual I Nicam Dual II and Mono The Mono indication is red when in forced position Teletext p 8 Teletext keys p 8 or VCR keys p 11 2 The television set has 4 keys which are located on the front or the top of the set depending on the model The VOLUME keys are used to adjust sound levels The PROGRAM P keys are used to select the required programmes To access the menus simultaneously hold down the and...

Page 7: ...key to access the specific radio setting Search for radio stations If you used the quick installation all available FM stations have already been stored To start a new search use the Install Auto Store menu for a complete search or Manual Store for a station by station search The Sort and Name menus let you sort or name the radio stations Operation of these menus is the same as for the TV menus Ma...

Page 8: ... this is used to lock all the TV programmes and EXT connectors è Press the d key to quit Mainge Picture Sound Features Install Timer Sleep Time 10 56 Start Time Stop Time Program No Activate Mainge Picture Sound Features Install Features Timer Child Lock Arrêt Parental Cont Rotation Contrast NR 6 Picture settings Sound adjustments Press H then The Picture menu is displayed é Use the îÏ keys to sel...

Page 9: ...e consulted like a newspaper It also offers access to subtitles for viewers with hearing problems or who are not familiar with the transmission language cable networks satellite channels etc 1 2 POWER RADIO SMART TV VCR I S SMART MENU 5 6 4 8 7 9 0 ù Ê Æ ı Ÿ Ó Ë Y 3 P ª 0 9 Ë Ë Ÿ Ó MENU Teletext call Selecting a page This is used to call teletext change to transparent mode and then exit The summar...

Page 10: ... inputs and audio CVBS outputs Carry out the connections shown opposite using a good quality euroconnector cable If your video recorder does not have a euroconnector socket the only connection possible is via the aerial cable You will therefore need to tune in your video recorder s test signal and assign it programme number 0 refer to manual store p 6 To reproduce the video recorder picture press ...

Page 11: ... the cable from red connector 0201 4 Turn the panel 90 degrees counter clockwise 3 5 Flip the panel 90 degrees 4 with the components towards the CRT 6 Turn the panel with the rear I O towards the CRT 5 7 Slide the metal heatsink near the mains transformer 5520 underneath the right chassis bracket so the panel is secured 6 Figure 4 1 Main panel with bracket 1 Disconnect the strain relief of the Mai...

Page 12: unscrewing the 2 fixation screws 1 2 Release the two fixation clamps 2 and lift the board out of the bracket Figure 4 3 4 4 Rear Cover Mounting Before you mount the rear cover 1 Place the mains cord correctly in its guiding brackets strain relief 2 Place all cables in their original position CL 06532012_004 eps 030200 ...

Page 13: ... and AP PAL 61 25 MHz channel 3 for NTSC sets NAFTA LATAM and AP NTSC Colour system PAL M for LATAM BI TRI FOUR NORMA SECAM L for France NTSC for NAFTA and AP NTSC PAL BG for Europe and AP PAL All picture settings at 50 brightness colour contrast hue Bass treble and balance at 50 volume at 25 All service unfriendly modes if present are disabled like sleep timer child parental lock blue mute hotel ...

Page 14: ...igure 5 4 1 LLLL This is the operation hours counter It counts the normal operation hours not the standby hours 2 AAABCD X Y This is the software identification of the main micro controller A the project name L01 B the region E Europe A Asia Pacific U NAFTA L LATAM C the software diversity D DVD F full TXT M mono T 1 page TXT D the language cluster number X the main software version number Y the s...

Page 15: ...7 Indicates if the V chip feature is enabled 8 Value indicates parameter levels at CSM entry CO CONTRAST CL COLOR BR BRIGHTNESS HU HUE SH SHARPNESS 9 Value indicates parameter levels at CSM entry VL VOLUME LEVEL BL BALANCE LEVEL AVL AUTO VOLUME LEVEL LIMITER DV DELTA VOLUME 10 Value indicates parameter levels at CSM entry only for stereo sets TR TREBLE BS BASS How to exit Use one of the following ...

Page 16: ...ated on the Main panel see also figure 8 1 suffix D The ComPair faultfinding program is able to determine the problem of the defective television ComPair can gather diagnostic information in two ways Automatic by communication with the television ComPair can automatically read out the contents of the entire error buffer Diagnosis is done on I2C level ComPair can access the I2 C bus of the televisi...

Page 17: ...Error code 6 was first detected and error code 9 is the last detected newest error Via the blinking LED procedure when you have no picture See next paragraph Via ComPair 5 5 2 How to Clear the Error Buffer The error code buffer is cleared in the following cases By activation of the CLEAR command in the SAM menu When you exit SDM SAM with the STANDBY command on the remote control when leaving SDM S...

Page 18: ... Power Supply 5 8 Repair Tips Below some failure symptoms are given followed by a repair tip Set is dead and makes hiccuping sound MainSupply is available Hiccuping stops when de soldering L5561 meaning that problem is in the MainSupply line No output voltages at LOT no horizontal deflection Reason line transistor 7460 is defective Set is dead and makes no sound Check power supply IC7520 Result vo...


Page 20: ... div A8 1V div DC 500us div A8a 1V div DC 500us div A9 500mV div DC 500us div A10 500mV div DC 500us div A11 1V div DC 200us div A11a 500mV div DC 2us div C1 1V div DC 500us div C2 1V div DC 500us div F1 500mV div DC 5ms div F2 500mV div DC 5ms div F3 10V div DC 5ms div F4 5V div DC 5ms div I1 2V div DC 200us div I2 2V div DC 200us div I3 500mV div DC 10us div I4 20mV div DC 10us div L1 1V div DC ...


Page 22: ...6J 6500 6567 BZX384 C4V7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2569 100n 3557 1K 3558 330R BAS16 6569 2568 0u47 BC857B 7542 22K 3552 2K2 3566 10K 3569 BC857B 7564 6566 1N4148 9502 5564 2516 1n 470p 2508 1n 2528 2507 1n 4 5 6 7 8 2527 1n SP48012 00 5502 1 2 3 7560 GND 2 IN 1 OUT 3 DSP 3507 33n 2506 L78L33 47K 3529 1N4148 6523 BC847B 7522 0282 6522 BZX384 C20 3528 100R 9503 470n 2526 2559 470p 100R 3559 6541 BZX384 C20 10K...

Page 23: ...67 1 2 3 4 5 0221 VH 1 4 0220 BYD33J 6485 BYD33D 6487 2464 3486 4 3 2 1 9453 6400 BZX79 C9V1 CU15 5465 10R 3451 5463 CI 15 5401 3407 5457 9463 6401 9464 9460 2469 9461 9462 2466 2463 6460 3485 9451 5480 2451 10 11 12 3 5 6 7 8 9 MainAux VT_Supply Bass_panorama BLK IN EWdrive EWD_dyn VlotAux 13V VlotAux 5V VlotAux 13V VlotAux 13V 8V VlotAux 13V POWER_DOWN 5445 1 EHTinfo Filament VideoSupply Hdrive ...

Page 24: ...2 X 5457 Linearity corrector coil X X X X 5457 Linearity corrector coil X 5461 SRW0913DR T01 X X 5461 SRW0913DR T02 X X X X X X X X X 5461 SRW0913DR T06 X X X 5463 C957 02Y X X 5463 CU15 X X 5464 C946 01 Y X X X X 5465 CU15 X X X 5465 U 20D X 5465 UU15 X X 5480 22U X X 5480 33U X X X 5480 39U X X X X X X 5480 47U X X X 6400 1K X X X X X X X X X X 6401 BZX79 C39 X X X X X X X X X 6401 BZX79 C47 X 6...

Page 25: ...6 2471 A3 2472 B4 2473 A5 2474 B1 2475 C1 2476 B5 3470 A4 3471 C5 3472 C5 3473 C5 3474 B2 3475 C2 3477 B5 3478 C5 3479 C5 3480 C5 3495 B5 3496 B5 3497 B6 3498 A2 5471 B5 5472 A5 6470 A6 6476 B4 7471 A2 9471 B5 Item Description 28 Blackline 21 Blackline 25 Blackline 29 Super flat 24 Wide screen 28 Wide screen 32 Wide screen 21 Real flat 29 Real flat 25 Real flat 3470 150K X X X X X 3470 220K X 3470...

Page 26: ... 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 1000 1 10 11 100u 2008 OFWG1984M 1002 1 22n 2009 SCL RF_AGC SDA VIF_2 VIF_1 SIF_1 SIF_2 VT_Supply VlotAux 5V 8V SEL IF LL_M TRAP FM 680R 3005 CL 16532020_028 eps 050601 Item Description 21 West Europe 24 West Europe 25 West Europe FM radio 28 West Europe Blackline D FM radio 28 West Europe Wide screen FM radio 29 West Europe 32 West Europe FM radio 28 West Europe Blackline S No FM r...

Page 27: ...2209 F4 2210 G3 2211 D8 2213 E2 2214 E2 2215 F2 2216 B10 2217 B11 2219 B4 2220 F5 2221 B2 2222 F8 2223 F9 2225 C7 2226 C8 2227 D10 2228 D10 2229 C11 2230 C11 2233 E2 2234 F6 2235 E9 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A B C D E F G A B C D E F G 0243 C6 0248 C2 0249 B2 0266 E11 0276 C2 1200 E7 4218 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 330R 3261 1 O 3 2223 10p 2222 22n 1203 TPS G 2 I 100p 2207 220p 2206 75R 3638 3637 75R 5...

Page 28: ...reen East Europe 29 Real Flat East Europe 32 Wide Screen East Europe 25 ARISTONA SBR RADIOLA 28 Wide Screen West Europe 28 Blackline D Side AV East Europe 32 Wide Screen No FM Radio West Europe 28 Blackline D East Europe 28 Blackline D Front I O West Europe 1200 FIL 5M5 5M74 TPWA04B X X X X X X X X X X X X 1201 FIL 5M5 5M7 6M5 TPT02 X X X X X X X X X 2201 100N 25V X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X...

Page 29: ... 3636 B2 4601 A7 4602 A7 4603 B7 4604 G2 4618 G2 5602 A6 5603 A6 5604 A6 7200 B B4 7602 A7 7606 E8 9631 E2 9641 E2 9647 B2 8K2 3612 2607 2619 1u 9647 100n 2618 0287 2616 47n 9641 9631 4604 0217 1 2 3 4 5 6 2615 1n 100R 3635 100R 3636 100R 3634 100n 2608 5u6 5602 0250 3601 8K2 0240 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1R 3632 3633 1R 4602 4603 4601 PDTC143ZT 7606 4K7 3614 3627 4K7 3628 10K 4K7 3629 3630 2K2 2K2 3607 0261...

Page 30: ...2949 AudioSupplyGnd_FB 100p 2947 2948 100p 4905 100p 2950 2911 10n 6K8 3172 0281 1 2 3 4 3 4 0280 1 2 3 4 0275 0271 1 2 STB 5 VCC 1 VOL 9 AudioSupplyGnd_FB 7902 AN7523N CH1 2 CH1 4 CH1 IN 6 GNDCH1 3 GNDINP 7 8 NC 390R 3951 680R 3950 BC847B 7943 100K 3948 33K 3949 1u 2946 0267 1 2 3 2R2 3908 9901 9902 0246 1 2 3 4 5 9904 3902 220K 4902 4904 4921 2901 220n AudioSupplyGnd_FB 4901 330K 3923 330K 3921 ...

Page 31: ...840 B6 2841 C5 2842 A7 2843 A7 2844 C3 2845 C3 2846 G2 2847 D3 2848 D3 2849 C10 2850 D10 2851 E10 2852 E9 2853 F10 2854 F9 4834 2855 E2 3841 33K 2856 E3 2857 F2 2858 F4 2859 G2 2860 F3 2894 A7 2895 A7 2896 F3 2897 C3 2898 B6 3831 B3 1K 3836 3832 A10 3833 B10 3834 D2 3835 D3 3836 E9 3837 E8 3838 F9 3839 E8 3840 E3 3841 F3 3842 G5 4836 2898 10n 1 2 3 2897 390p 0239 220p 2894 560p 2895 3843 2860 4835...

Page 32: ...7802 A E3 7802 B F3 7802 C G3 7803 C5 7804 D5 9801 E2 3809 150R 4809 1K 3805 1K 3808 BC847B 7803 BC847B 7804 150K 3804 150K 3807 3801 220R 4804 4808 4807 Y0 3 Y1 4 Z 7802 C HEF4053BT 6 E 9 S 16 Vdd 7 Vee 8 Vss 5 2802 220n 4806 9801 4805 4803 4801 2804 220n 22u 2801 220n 2805 7 Vee 8 Vss 12 Y0 13 Y1 14 Z 15 Z 7802 A HEF4053BT 6 E 11 S 16 Vdd 7802 B HEF4053BT 6 E 10 S 16 Vdd 7 Vee 8 Vss 2 Y0 1 Y1 7 ...

Page 33: ...181 B3 3182 A3 3183 B3 3184 B3 3185 C3 3186 C3 3681 A8 3682 A9 3683 A7 3684 A8 3685 A7 3686 C8 3691 C9 3692 E8 3693 D10 3694 D9 3695 D7 3981 F3 3982 G3 4691 E8 4692 D7 4693 E7 4694 H1 4695 D9 6181 B4 6681 B8 6691 D8 6692 D9 9181 B5 9982 F2 6181 3693 220R 560R 3685 4691 1603 75R 3181 AudioSupplyGnd_FB AudioSupplyGnd_FB 2696 100p 2694 100p 100p 2695 100p 2693 0286 4695 2186 100p 0278 0277 B 4693 1 0...

Page 34: ...2 D7 3143 D9 3144 E8 3145 E9 3146 E8 3151 F9 3152 F8 3153 F9 3154 F8 3155 G3 4101 B3 4102 C3 4103 A5 4104 B5 4105 F6 4151 F8 4152 F8 6101 D3 6102 D3 1107 6103 E3 6104 E3 6105 F3 6131 D8 7101 F5 7131 E7 16A 17A 18A 19A 2A 20A 21A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A 4152 4151 100n 2154 4104 2152 100n 4103 100n 2109 2103 100n 4101 4102 0242 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 0236 1 2 3 0227 0229 1 2 3 2139 100n 100n 2112 2133 100...

Page 35: ... 2172 B5 3171 B4 3173 B4 3174 B5 7171 B6 L13 L14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D GND IN IN MODE OUT OUT SVR Vcc 0268 1 2 3 68K 3173 7171 2172 220p 3171 120K 2171 100p Tilt VlotAux 13V VlotAux 13V 3174 68K CL 16532020_099 eps 050601 Item Description Rest 32 Wide Screen 2171 100P 1kV X 2172 220P 1kV X 3171 120K 5 X 3172 6K8 5 1 6W X 3173 68K 5 1 6W X 3174 68K 5 1 6W X 7171 BC857B Diversity T...

Page 36: ...36 L01 1E 7 Schematics and PWB s Layout Large Signal Panel Top View CL 16532053_007 eps 150501 ...

Page 37: ...2 0287 D7 0292 B1 0293 C2 0294 E5 0295 E6 1000 E8 1002 E6 1003 E6 1004 E6 1200 E5 1201 E5 1203 E7 1400 C6 1500 A2 1515 B3 1530 B5 1531 B5 1532 B4 1533 B4 1534 B4 1535 B4 1600 C1 1601 C1 1602 D1 1603 D1 1606 A1 1660 D6 1831 C3 2005 E7 2006 E7 2008 E8 2161 D7 2171 E3 2172 E3 2209 D5 2210 D5 2216 E5 2220 D5 2229 E6 2230 E5 2235 E6 2244 E6 2246 E6 2247 E6 2250 E6 2400 A5 2401 A6 2402 A5 2404 C6 2441 B...

Page 38: ...38 L01 1E 7 Schematics and PWB s Layout Large Signal Panel Part 1 Bottom View CL 16532053_08a aps 150501 Part 1 ...

Page 39: ...Schematics and PWB s 39 L01 1E 7 Layout Large Signal Panel Part 2 Bottom View CL 16532053_08b eps 150501 Part 2 ...

Page 40: ...40 L01 1E 7 Schematics and PWB s Layout Large Signal Panel Part 3 Bottom View CL 16532053_08c eps 160501 Part 3 ...

Page 41: ...Schematics and PWB s 41 L01 1E 7 Layout Large Signal Panel Part 4 Bottom View CL 16532053_08d eps 160501 Part 4 ...

Page 42: ... Wide screen FM radio 28 Blackline D FM radio 25 Blackline D 28 Blackline D No FM radio 24 Real flat 32 Wide screen No FM radio 29 Real flat 32 Wide screen FM radio 0254 CON 9P F N NECK X X X X X X X X X X X 0254 CON 9P F SEMI DAF X X X 2343 3N3 2kV X X X X X X X 2344 100N 25V X X X X X X X X X X X 2344 Jumper X X X 2345 500V 1N 2346 1N2 2kV X X X X 2346 220P 2kV X 2346 470P 2kV X X 3341 Fuse 1R X...

Page 43: ...M radio 32 Wide screen FM radio 21 Blackline 24 Wide screen 25 Blackline 28 Blackline No FM radio 28 Wide screen No FM radio 2365 22N 250V X X X X X X X X 2366 100N 100V X X X X X X X X 2367 47P 50V X X X 2367 56P 50V X X 2367 150P 50V X 2367 180P 50V X X 2368 22N 50v X X X X X X X X 2372 5P6 50V X X X X X 2373 56P 50V X X 2375 100P 50V X X X X X 2375 330P 50V X X 2376 100N 25V X X X 2377 100N 25V...

Page 44: ...3341 A2 3342 A2 3343 A1 3344 A2 3345 A2 3346 A2 3360 A2 3361 A2 3362 A1 3363 A2 3364 A2 3374 A2 3375 A2 3377 A2 3385 A2 3388 A2 3389 A2 5342 A2 5343 A1 5344 A1 5345 A1 5346 A1 5347 A1 5348 A1 5360 A2 5361 A2 5362 A2 6331 A1 6333 A1 6335 A1 6360 A1 7330 A1 7360 A1 7362 A2 7363 A1 7365 A2 7366 A2 7367 A1 9311 A1 9312 A1 9341 A1 9342 A1 9343 A1 9361 A2 9363 A2 9364 A2 9365 A1 9366 A2 CL 16532053_013 ...

Page 45: ... D4 2176 F3 2177 F3 2178 E3 2179 E3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D E SG07 3150 D4 3151 D4 3152 C4 3153 B4 3155 B4 3156 E3 3157 F3 6161 B4 9152 C3 9153 B4 SG02 B3 SG03 D3 SG04 C3 SG06 F4 SG07 E4 SG06 0277 A 0277 B 3157 1 2 3 4 5 3156 0254 100u 2177 2176 2179 100u 6 7 8 9 2178 4 0232 1 2 3 4 5 0255 1 2 3 2173 330p 2172 9153 9152 0251 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3155 75R 0250 C 1 2 3 0250 A 0250 B 4 5 6 SG04 ...

Page 46: ...E A B C SG06 0252 B2 0253 A5 0254 D2 0255 D5 0261 C5 2171 C4 2172 B4 2173 B3 2174 C3 2176 E3 2177 E2 2178 E3 2179 D2 3150 C3 3151 C3 3152 B3 3153 B3 3155 A3 3156 D3 3157 E3 6161 A3 9153 B3 9155 B4 SG02 A3 SG03 C3 SG04 B3 SG06 E3 SG07 E3 4 1 2 3 4 0255 1 2 3 0251 1 2 3 0252 0253 1 2 3 3157 9155 3156 0254 1 2 3 4 5 2174 2177 100u 2176 100u 2179 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2178 2172 330p 0232 1 2 2173 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...

Page 47: ...0215 A1 1091 B2 1092 B3 1093 B3 1094 C3 2010 B1 3091 A1 3092 A2 3093 A2 3094 A3 3095 A3 3096 C3 6091 B3 BAT85 6091 2010 10n 3095 3K3 3096 1K5 3094 270R 3092 390R 560R 3093 3 3091 560R 0215 1 2 1094 1092 1093 1091 CL 16532020_053 eps 200301 Layout Top Control Panel RF 1091 A1 1092 B1 1093 A2 1094 A1 6091 A1 CL 16532020_059 eps 030401 ...

Page 48: ...Q TO 0239 OF MENU PLUG PLAY 2010 10n 1 2 3 1 2 3 A B C BAT85 6091 3096 1K5 3094 270R 3095 3K3 3092 390R 560R 3093 3091 560R 0215 1 2 3 1094 1092 1093 1091 CL 16532020_054 eps 200301 Layout Top Control Panel FSQ 0215 A2 1091 A2 1092 A1 1093 A2 1094 A1 6091 A2 CL 16532020_100 eps 050601 ...

Page 49: ... oscilloscope to 50 V div and the time base to 0 2 ms external triggering on the vertical pulse 8 Ground the scope at the CRT panel and connect a 10 1 probe to one of the cathodes of the picture tube socket see diagram B 9 Measure the cut off pulse during first full line after the frame blanking see Fig 8 2 You will see two pulses one being the cut off pulse and the other being the white drive pul...

Page 50: ...ertain value see first column value between brackets in first table below When an option bit is disabled its value is 0 3 The total value of an Option Byte is formed by the sum of its eight option bits See second table below for the correct option numbers per typenumber Figure 8 5 Figure 8 6 Option Bit Assignment Following are the option bit assignments for all L01 software clusters Option Byte 1 ...

Page 51: ...set to 1 at the initial set up LANGUAGE ENGLISH COUNTRY GREAT BRITAIN and after exiting from menu VIRGIN_MODE will be set automatically to 0 while UK_PNP remains 1 Default setting 0 OP13 ACI 0 ACI feature is disabled or not applicable 1 ACI feature is enabled Default setting 0 OP14 ATS 0 ATS feature is disabled or not applicable 1 ATS feature is enabled When ATS is enabled it sorts the program in ...

Page 52: ...ot present 1 For AP_PAL chip MSP3465 is present Default setting 0 OP43 STEREO_NICAM_2CS 0 For EU and AP_PAL chip MSP 3415 is not present 1 For EU and AP_PAL chip MSP 3415 is present Default setting 0 OP44 DELTA_VOLUME 0 Delta Volume Level is disabled or not applicable 1 Delta Volume Level is enabled Default setting 0 OP45 ULTRA_BASS 0 Ultra Bass is disabled or not applicable 1 Ultra Bass is enable...

Page 53: ... three option bits are allocated for AP_PAL sound system selection 000 BG 001 BG DK 010 I DK 011 BG I DK 100 BG I DK M Default setting 00 OP73 COLOR_SYSTEM_AP This option bit is allocated for AP PAL colour system selection 0 Auto PAL 4 43 NTSC 4 43 NTSC 3 58 1 Auto PAL 4 43 NTSC 4 43 NTSC 3 58 SECAM Default setting 0 OP74 Reserved Default setting 0 OP75 Reserved Default setting 0 OP77 and 76 TIME_...

Page 54: ...quency to 475 25 MHz PAL SECAM or 61 25 MHz NTSC 1 Set Smart Picture to NATURAL or MOVIES 2 Activate the SAM menu see chapter 5 3 Go to the GEOMETRY sub menu 4 Choose HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL alignment Now you can perform the following alignments Horizontal alignment Horizontal Parallelogram HP Align straight vertical lines in the top and the bottom vertical rotation around the centre Horizontal Bow...

Page 55: ...nking SBL Switch the blanking of the lower half of the screen ON or OFF to be used in combination with the vertical slope alignment H60 Align straight horizontal lines if NTSC input 60 Hz is used i s o PAL 50 Hz V60 Align straight vertical lines if NTSC input 60 Hz is used i s o PAL 50 Hz Figure 8 11 In the table below you will find the GEOMETRY default values for the different sets Figure 8 12 8 ...

Page 56: output IC via the I2 C bus The memory IC retains the settings for favourite stations customer preferred settings and service factory data The on screen graphics and closed caption decoding are done within the microprocessor and then sent to the signal processor IC to be added to the main signal The chassis uses a Switching Mode Power Supply SMPS for the main voltage source The chassis has a hot...

Page 57: ...rnal input switch selects the following input signals Pin 40 terrestrial CVBS input Pin 42 external AV1 CVBS input Pin 44 external Side I O CVBS or AV2 Luminance Y input Pin 45 external AV2 Chrominance C input Figure 9 5 Once the signal source is selected a chroma filter calibration is performed The received colour burst sub carrier frequency is used for this Correspondingly the chroma band pass f...

Page 58: ...htness control for the RGB signals This prevents the CRT from being overdriven which could otherwise cause serious damage in the line output stage The reference used for this purpose is the DC voltage on pin 54 BLCIN of the TV processor Contrast and brightness reduction of the RGB output signals is therefore proportional to the voltage present on this pin Contrast reduction starts when the voltage...

Page 59: ...ut voltage is compared with the voltage across measuring resistor R3471 that provides internal feedback information The voltage across this measuring resistor is proportional to the output current which is available at pins 4 and 7 where they drive the vertical deflection coil connector 0222 in phase opposition IC 7471 is supplied by 13 V The vertical flyback voltage is determined by an external s...

Page 60: ... frequency Flyback converter The efficiency can be improved up to 90 which results in lower power consumption Moreover the supply runs cooler and safety is enhanced The power supply starts operating when a DC voltage goes from the rectifier bridge via T5520 R3532 to pin 8 The operating voltage for the driver circuit is also taken from the hot side of this transformer The switching regulator IC7520...

Page 61: ...nt IL will decrease In other words the transformer will be demagnetised When the inductive current has become zero the next interval begins Interval 4 t3 t t00 resonance time In the fourth interval the energy stored in the drain capacitor CD will start to resonate with the inductance LP The voltage and current waveforms are sinusoidal waveforms The drain voltage will drop from VIN n VOUT to VIN n ...

Page 62: ... of 75 mV This fixed VCO level is called VVCO start The frequency will be reduced in relation to the VCO voltage between 75 mV and 50 mV at levels larger than 75 mV Ctrl voltage 1 425V the oscillator will run on maximum frequency foscH 175 kHz typically At 50 mV VVCO max the frequency is reduced to the minimum level of 6 kHz Valley switching is still active in this mode Minimum Frequency mode MinF...

Page 63: ...on the load t3 Charge of VCC when gate drive is inactive The third interval starts when the UVLO is reached The internal current source charges the VCC capacitor also the soft start capacitor is recharged Once the VCC capacitor is charged to the start up voltage the driver is activated and a new burst cycle is started Figure 9 15 9 6 3 Protection Events The SMPS IC7520 has the following protection...

Page 64: ...sing functions like video processing sound IF vision IF synchronisation etc 9 7 3 User Interface There are two control signals called KEYBOARD_protn and IR Users can interact either through the Remote Control transmitter or by activation of the appropriate keyboard buttons The L01 uses a remote control with RC5 protocol The incoming signal is connected to pin 67 of the UOC The Top Control keyboard...

Page 65: a too high beam current The UOC has the capability of measuring the normal back level current during the vertical flyback So if for some reason the CRT circuit is malfunctioning i e high beam current the normal black current will be out of the 75 mA range and the UOC will trigger the power supply to shut down However this is a high beam current situation the TV screen will be bright white befor...

Page 66: ...OB Option Byte OC Open Circuit OSD On Screen Display PAL Phase Alternating Line Colour system mainly used in West Europe colour carrier 4 433619 MHz and South America colour carrier PAL M 3 575612 MHz and PAL N 3 582056 MHz PCB Printed Circuit board PIP Picture In Picture PLL Phase Locked Loop Used for e g FST tuning systems The customer can give directly the desired frequency POR Power On Reset P...

Page 67: ...F 20 16V 2243 4822 122 33177 10nF 20 50V 2244 5322 121 42386 100nF 5 63V 2245 4822 126 14076 220nF 25V 2247 4822 124 81144 1000mF 16V 2248 5322 122 32654 22nF 10 63V 2249 5322 122 32654 22nF 10 63V 2250 4822 124 22652 2 2mF 20 50V 2252 5322 126 10511 1nF 5 50V 2253 5322 126 10511 1nF 5 50V 2254 4822 051 20008 Jumper 2330 4822 121 51473 470nF 20 63V 2340 4822 124 11565 10mF 20 250V 2341 4822 126 13...

Page 68: ...5 0 1W 3248 4822 051 20333 33k 5 0 1W 3249 4822 116 52231 820W 5 0 5W 3250 4822 050 11002 1k 1 0 4W 3250 4822 116 52303 8k2 5 0 5W 3251 4822 116 52175 100W 5 0 5W 3256 4822 051 10102 1k 2 0 25W 3257 4822 051 20106 10M 5 0 1W 3258 4822 117 10837 100k 1 0 1W 3259 4822 051 20474 470k 5 0 1W 3331 4822 116 52175 100W 5 0 5W 3332 3198 013 01020 1k 2 0 5W 3333 4822 116 52175 100W 5 0 5W 3334 3198 013 010...

Page 69: ...orrector drum 5457 4822 157 11854 Linearity corrector drum 5461 2422 531 02476 TFM driver SRW0913DR T06 B 5461 2422 531 02477 TFM driver SRW0913DR T02 B 5463 4822 157 11711 Choke coil 5464 2422 531 02419 C946 01 5471 3198 018 73380 3U3 5472 4822 157 51157 3 3mH 5480 4822 156 20915 33mH 5480 4822 157 50961 22mH 5480 5322 157 51687 Coil 5500 4822 157 10476 DMF 2820H 5501 4822 157 11523 5mH 2A 5502 2...

Page 70: ...rious 0232 4822 267 31014 Headphone socket 0246 4822 267 10734 5P 0250 4822 265 11606 3P 0251 4822 267 10735 3P 0253 2422 025 16382 3P male 0254 4822 267 10734 5P 0255 4822 267 10565 4P 1831 4822 242 10769 Chrystal 18 432MHz 2171 5322 122 32311 470pF 10 100V 2172 5322 122 32311 470pF 10 100V 2173 5322 122 32311 470pF 10 100V 2174 5322 122 32311 470pF 10 100V 2176 5322 122 32311 470pF 10 100V 2177 ...

Page 71: ...26 13435 1 2nF 10 2kV 2345 4822 122 31175 1nF 10 500V 3091 4822 051 20561 560W 5 0 1W 3092 4822 051 20391 390W 5 0 1W 3093 4822 051 20561 560W 5 0 1W 3094 4822 051 20391 390W 5 0 1W 3095 4822 051 20332 3k3 5 0 1W 3096 4822 117 11139 1k5 1 0 1W 3331 4822 116 52175 100W 5 0 5W 3332 3198 013 01020 1k 2 0 5W 3333 4822 116 52175 100W 5 0 5W 3334 3198 013 01020 1k 2 0 5W 3335 4822 116 52175 100W 5 0 5W ...

Page 72: ...Spare Parts List GB 72 L01 1E 10 ...
