10 July 2000
Diamond Line Amplifiers
Model Numbers (module only)
Diamond Line 2 amplifier models vary in three ways: highest
forward frequency, automatic level and slope control (ALSC)
pilot frequency, and station output tilt. For example, model
6-G3A298/37–42/54–433–100 (variable elements
underlined) specifies the following:
a highest forward frequency of 870 MHz,
a 433.25 MHz ALSC pilot frequency, and
10 dB station output tilt over the forward bandwidth.
Figure 9. Diamond Line 2 Amplifier, Model Numbers
The Diamond Line 2 amplifier modules vary in highest forward
frequency, ALSC pilot frequency, and station output tilt.
6 – G3A29_ /_ _– 42/54 – 4 _ _ – _ _ _
2 Output Hybrids
(Diamond Line 2
Station Gain
37 dB
40 dB
(incl. losses from
ALSC and 1 dB loss
from input equalizer)
42/54 Bandsplit (diplex filter)
5–42 MHz, return
54 MHz and up, forward
Highest Forward
7 = 750 MHz
8 = 870 MHz
ALSC Pilot Frequency—
for example
427 = 427.25 MHz
433 = 433.25 MHz
499 = 499.25 MHz
Same for Diamond
Line 2 & 3 Amplifiers
Power Doubling™
Station Output Tilt
(over the forward
080 = 8.0 dB
125 = 12.5 dB
110 = 11.0 dB
100 = 10.0 dB
147 = 14.7 dB
Series 9
(1 GHz platform)