10 July 2000
Diamond Line Amplifiers
Forward RF Signal Flow
Interstage Equalizer (factory-installed).
The 7-2E-WC series
equalizer is factory-installed to optimize the distortion
characteristic of the amplifier and provide the desired main
output slope at the specified bandwidth. Normally you will
not change this plug-in. However, if you need to change the
tilt of the amplifier’s outputs from the factory-set value, see
the procedure under “Interstage & Distribution Equalizers”
on page 160.
Interstage Amplifier.
The RF from this hybrid, which uses
push-pull technology, goes to the two post-amplifiers.
ALSC Bode Controller (factory-installed).
The automatic level
and slope control (ALSC) Bode controller works with the
ALSC Bode equalizer to maintain a constant RF output level,
compensating for the effects of outside temperature changes
on cable. A directional coupler taps a small portion of the
main output power and converts it to a DC signal that
controls the Bode equalizer.
Distribution Equalizer (factory-installed).
The 7-2E-WC series
distribution equalizer provides additional slope to all outputs.
The interstage and distribution equalizers are factory-installed
to set the tilt of the output signals according to the customer
order. A “zero” equalizer may be shipped in the distribution
equalizer position for circuit continuity if no additional slope is
needed. Normally you will not change this plug-in. However,
if you need to change the tilt of the amplifier’s outputs from
the factory-set value, see the procedure under “Interstage &
Distribution Equalizers” on page 160.
Main Path (after it splits from secondary path)
Main Output Attenuator.
Accessible through a cut-out in the
module cover, this 9-A-WC or 10-A-WC attenuator reduces
signal levels at the main output. A “zero” attenuator is
shipped in this slot for circuit continuity.
Main Output Post-Amplifier.
The RF from this hybrid, which
uses Power Doubling technology, goes to the main output
port, J2.
Main Output Diplex Filter.
See “Input Diplex Filter” on
page 35.