I have no dialling tone after having installed my phone. How do I solve this problem?
Check that you have connected your phone using the supplied line cable and not the one from any
previous phone (they are often wired differently). Check that you have fully charged the handset accor-
ding to the instructions given for the phone. Check that the aerial icon (radio link with the base station)
is displayed. If the handset is not registered you may need to register it (refer to the user guide).
Can the handset be left on the base all the time?
Yes there is no "memory effect".The handset can be left on the base station for all current models using
NiMh batteries.
Will my phone lose all recorded data (phonebooks entries) in the case of a general
power cut?
No it will not.The data recorded in your phone is not deleted in the case of a general power failure or
when you unplug your base station or when you replace the batteries.
I have set up the date & time on my phone and the information given after a call is not
If you have a ISDN phone installation, these parameters (date & time) may be transferred directly through
the ISDN to the phone. If you did not set-up the ISDN correctly this can explain why the information
transmitted is not correct.
Set-up the date & time directly on the ISDN phone installation or, if this is not possible, call the
Operator/dealer who provided and installed the ISDN.
What is CLI and how do I make it work?
CLI stands for Caller Line Identification and it is a special service that you may subscribe to from your
network operator. Once you have subscribed to the service, a CLI enabled phone will display the callers
number (unless withheld) as the phone rings so that you may decide whether or not to take the call.
The CLI service does not work.The service has been subscribed from an alternative net-
work to the main one. How do I solve this problem?
Change the 'operator type' or 'Caller Id type' according to the product version (refer to the user guide).
The CLI service does not work on my Philips phone on my digital phone installation (ISDN,
ADSL). How do I solve this problem?
Our products are designed to work on an analogue network. If you plugged your PHILIPS phone into a
digital installation, the CLI may not be displayed upon incoming calls. Digital phone installations (ISDN) are
not always compatible with analogue phones as far as operator services are concerned.
You may find the information regarding compatibility in the user guide of your ISDN. If not, please contact
the ISDN manufacturer to check if the device is designed to display CLI on analogue phones. ISDN over
2 or 3 years old are generally not compatible with analogue phones for the CLI Service.
To attempt to solve the problem, change the 'Operator type' or 'Caller Id type' (refer to the user guide).
If it still does not work, it means this service is not possible with the phone behind this type of digital
phone installation.
Note that the filters used with some ADSL lines can filter out part of the CLI signal and prevent the
phone from displaying CLI correctly. It is possible to purchase better ADSL filters that do not cause this
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