High blood pressure = risk factor
Systolic pressure (SYS) is too high when it exceeds 160
mmHg and diastolic pressure (DIA) is too high when it
exceeds 95 mmHg.
We speak of ‘high blood pressure’ when one of the two
pressures exceeds the value mentioned above.
Borderline values
Systolic pressure: 140-160 mmHg
Diastolic pressure: 90-95 mmHg
Standard values
Systolic pressure: max. 140 mmHg
Diastolic pressure: max. 90 mmHg
Causes and consequences of high blood pressure
Causes of high blood pressure are, among other things,
obesity, a high cholesterol level, smoking, excessive alcohol
consumption, emotions, excessive salt consumption, a lack
of exercise, hereditary inclination towards high blood
pressure and certain diseases such as kidney and
metabolic disorders.
In the long term, high blood pressure can lead to reduced
elasticity of the walls of arteries (arteriosclerosis), which is
one of the major causes of cardiac infarcts, cerebral hae-
morrhages and cerebral infarcts as well as kidney disorders.