Searching for something
to watch
Searching for movies and programs across various streaming channels is one of the
unique features of your Roku TV. Within a single search operation, you can search by:
Movie name
TV program name
Actor or director name
Streaming channel name
Interactive game name
Popular quotes (in English), such as “May the Force be with you.”
Genre, including the special genres, “free” and “4K.”
Roku Search is only available if your TV is operating in connected mode and
linked to a Roku account. Roku Search doesn’t search across all streaming
channels, but searches across lots of popular streaming channels. The actual
channels it searches vary by locale.
How do I search?
You can search in several different ways:
By using an on-screen keyboard that you navigate using the purple directional
pad on your remote
By typing on the Roku mobile app on your phone or tablet
By speaking search phrases in English or Spanish using a Roku Voice remote,
the Roku mobile app, Alexa, or Google Home Assistant.