6 Hooking Up the TV/VCR
Hooking Up Your TV/VCR With a
Cable Signal or Outdoor Antenna
Connect an RF coaxial cable (75-
ohm, not supplied) to the OUT
Jack on the Cable Box and to the
ANT(enna) Jack on the TV/VCR.
Connect a Cable signal or an anten-
na to the ANT(enna) Jack.
Hooking Up Your TV/VCR With a
Cable Box
To view any channel, set the TV/VCR to the
Cable Box output channel (channel 03 or 04).
Then, select channels at the Cable Box.
Hook up your TV/VCR using one of the connections shown.
Rod Antenna
Hooking Up Your TV/VCR With an
Indoor Antenna
To install a rod antenna (supplied), push the
stem of the antenna into the antenna hole on
the top of the TV/VCR. Connect the antenna
wire to the ANT(enna) Jack on the back of
the TV/VCR as shown. Extend the antenna
and adjust its length, direction, and angle for
the clearest picture.
Connect the Cable signal to the IN
Jack on the Cable Box.
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