Relay Insert 2 *
1.5 KW with
Power Meter
Firmware Version : 1.0
Quick Start
This device is a Z-Wave Actor. Tripple Click the Button on the device confirms the inclusion, exclusion
and association. After power up it will stay in auto inclusion mode for 4 minutes. To support handling of the
device when already installed the external switch can be used for inclusion or exclusion for 3 minutes after
power up.
Please refer to the chapters below for detailed information about all aspects of the products usage.
What is Z-Wave?
This device is equipped with wireless communication complying to the Z-Wave standard. Z-Wave is the
international standard for wireless communication in smart homes and buildings. It is using the
frequency of 868.42 MHz to realize a very stable and secure communication. Each message is reconfirmed
(two-way communication) and every mains powered node can act as a repeater for other nodes (meshed
network) in case the receiver is not in direct wireless range of the transmitter.
Z-Wave differentiates between Controllers and Slaves. Slaves are either sensors (S) transmitting metered or
measured data or actuators (A) capable to execute an action. Controllers are either static mains powered
controllers (C) also referred to as gateways or mobile battery operated remote controls (R). This results in a
number of possible communication patterns within a Z-Wave network that are partly or completely supported
by a specific device.