1072_0_Product_Manual - February 24, 2011 2:52 PM
Status: Phidgets
see: Phidgets: Status.
Network: Status
General network status can be viewed on this page. Modifying these values are done on other pages.
- Abbreviated name and number of the network interface.
- Wired or wireless connection.
- Network protocol used.
IP Address
- The IP address of the network interface.
Subnet Mask
- The subnet mask of the network interface.
- The IP address of your gateway.
MAC Address
- The MAC address of the interface.
Wireless State
- Connection status information for the Wireless link. This could be ‘CONNECTED’, ‘INACTIVE’,
‘FAILED’, etc.
Wireless SSID
- The plaintext name of the wireless connection access point.
Wireless Security
- Security protocol used for a wireless link.
DNS Server(s)
- List of nameservers being used.
Network: Settings
This is where TCP/IP settings for the wired ethernet and configured. This is also where SSH is enabled.
Network Settings
TCP/IP settings
- DHCP will set the system IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway automatically. In the absence of
a DHCP server, Static should be used and filled in manually. Note that the same TCP/IP settings will be used at all
access points.
DNS settings
- DNS can be set up automatically if DHCP is enabled. Under manual settings, up to two DNS servers
can be specified. Note that DNS settings are system-wide and will apply to all interfaces.
SSH Server
- This is where the SSH server can be enabled or disabled. Enabling SSH for the first time can take
several minutes as the keys are generated.
Network: Wireless
Wireless networking is supported via a USB wifi adapter. When an adapter is plugged in, this wireless configuration
page will be available.
Wireless networks are joined based on a list of saved networks. You can join, manually enable and disable, as
well as delete these saved networks. To add a wireless network to this list, either choose from the list of detected
networks, or enter the details manually. Supported security includes WEP, WPA(2) Personal and WPA(2) Enterprise.
Saved networks will be joined first based on security and secondly based on best signal strength.
Add a Wireless Network
- The SSID of the access point that you wish to add. This is the plaintext name of the access point.
- The security system used by this access point.
Remember this network
- If enabled, this network will be added to the list of saved networks permanently, and will
be available to be automatically joined in the future. Otherwise, this network will remain in the list of saved networks
until the board is reset, or another network is added.