Impact times
Times that have been impacted.
Average Icon
It will appear when showing the mean value of the
measured values after reaching the presetting impact times.
Memory Icon:
It appears when operating the instrument memory.
2.3 Keypad Definitions
The instrument has three keys:
S and H.
- Turning on/off the instrument.
Key S and H – Selecting or modifying the instrument parameters.
Key actions:
Short-press: Press on a key lasting for not more than one second.
Long-press: Press on a key lasting for more than one second
2.4 Leeb Hardness Testing Principle
An impact body with a spherical test tip made of tungsten carbide is
propelled against the sample surface by a spring force and then
rebounds back. At a distance of 1mm from the sample surface, the
impact and rebound velocity of the impact body are measured by the
following method: A permanent magnet embedded in the impact body,
when passing through the coil in its coil holder, induces in the coil an
electric voltage proportional to the velocities of the magnet. Leeb
hardness is expressed by the following formula
HL=1000×VB/ VA
Where, HL—— Leeb hardness value
VB—— Rebounding velocity of the impact body
VA—— Impacting velocity of the impact body