Step 6.
Attach Handle / How to Operate
Attach the handles to the bottom of the shade as illustrated.
Divide the width of the shade by 4, and place a handle that distance from each end of the shade. The handles are designed to
minimize contact with the shade fabric.
Lowering the Shade:
Grip the handles and slowly pull straight down.
Raising the Shade:
SLOW is the functional word in achieving proper operation of your cordless shade. To lift the shade, place your hands
on the handles with palms facing up. Pull the bottom pleat very slightly away from the window and then push upward slowly. The pleats
should fold like an accordion. If the bottom pleat is pushed straight up, it will tend to go behind and overlap the other pleats which prevents
the shade from operating properly. If the bottom pleat is pulled too far it likewise will not function properly. See the video for a demonstration
of the recommended lifting technique.
Always keep the bottom rail level (i.e. parallel to the top of the shade) when lifting and lowering
the shade. If the shade becomes uneven, slowly pull it all the way down and then lift to the
desired position. If necessary, reach behind the shade and manually pull the cording slowly
out of the head rail until the bottom of the shade is level.
Pull the bottom pleat very slightly away from
the window and then push upward slowly
Use your phone camera to scan code for instructional video or visit:
Correct(!) – pleats are folding neatly
Do not let the bottom pleat go behind and
overlap the other pleats as the shade will
not operate properly
Do not pull the bottom pleat out too far or
the shade will not function properly