atmosphere, please make sure you
turn off your headset. Such areas are
rare and in most cases, but not always,
clearly marked. It is unlikely but pos-
sible that your device could generate
a spark and cause an explosion or fire
resulting in serious injury or death.
Avoiding Hearing Damage
Serious and permanent hearing dama-
ge and even loss of hearing may occur
if you use your headset continuously
at high volume. Please be sure to set
the volume to a safe level. Using high
volume continuously may feel normal
after some time but it can still dama-
ge your hearing ability. In case you
experience ringing or mued speech,
do not continue listening and have
your hearing checked. The higher the
volume the sooner your hearing may
be affected. Hearing experts suggest
that you protect your hearing. It is
better to use the headset only for a
limited time at high volume. It is not