Phaedrus Philter User Manual Download Page 8


Ver. 0.1 - ©Phædrus  Audio Ltd. 2011  All rights reserved.


humi di ty; or the uni t does not operate normally or ex hi bi ts a marked change i n 
per formance; or the uni t has been dropped, or the enclosure has been damaged.  


Chapter 4 - About Valves (Vacuum Tubes) 


Valve (tube) types  

The Phædrus Audi o PHAB and PHAME preampli fi ers and 
the PHILTER equali ser employ an EF86 pentode i nput 
valve (tube) and an ECC88, or E88CC, valve (tube) as the 
output devi ce. Posi ti ons for the valves are very cl early 
marked on the PCB si lkscreen as i ndi cated i n the 
i llustrati on. The valves (tubes) that ar e i nstalled i n 
Phædrus Audi o’ s products duri ng assembly ar e selected 
to gi ve the best possi ble per formance. We offer v ersi ons of all products wi th NOS (rather than 
current producti on) valves. But thes e must be chosen car efully, and be pr e-screened. Replaci ng the 
suppli ed valves (tubes) wi th di fferent, collecti ble, or “hi gh-end” valves (tubes) types may not 
affect any i mprovement and mi ght cause deteri orati on of per formance. 



The EF86 i s a low  noi se pentode, ori gi nally manufactur ed by many di ffer ent factori es and 
branded by Phi li ps, Mullard, Telefunken, Valvo, and GEC, TESLA and Si emens/RFT. Many 
NOS valves are sti ll avai lable. Equi valents i nclude the CV2901 (the UK servi ce desi gnati on 
for the EF86) and the CV4085; a s peci al quali ty versi on for mi li tary use. The EF86 tube i s 
sti ll bei ng produced i n Russi a and i n the Slovak Republi c under JJ Electroni cs brand name 
(formerly Tesla). Chi nese close equi valents are also s ti ll bei ng manufactur ed. 



The ECC88 i s a frame-gri d, sharp cut-off, tw i n (dual) tri ode wi th an i nternal, 
separati ng screen. The valve w as ori gi nally desi gned for s ervi ce i n the front ends of 
VHF radi o recei vers. The ECC88 (E88CC) tube type i s equi valent to the Nor th 
Ameri can 6DJ8 tubes and the (rare) mi li tary branded CV2492. The transposi ti on of 
the fi gures from ECC88 to E88CC w as Mullard's w ay of denoti ng a speci al quali ty 
bui ld and i s equi valent to the US 6922. Russi an 6N1P tubes and the Chi nese 6N1 
tube ar e NOT equi valent. 

NEVER install a 6N1(P) in the Phædrus Audio PHAB, 

PHILTER or PHAME prod uct

. The ECC88 valve i s si ll bei ng manufactured i n Chi na 

and i n the Slovak Republi c under JJ Electroni cs brand name ( formerly Tesla). 

12AU7 or ECC82 


The 12AU7 i s a popular, mi ni ature 9-pi n medi um-gai n dual tri ode valve (tube) 
and i s used i n many i nstrument and hi -fi  ampli fi ers. Both tri odes are used, i n 
cascade, i n the Phædrus Audi o PHI product. The 12AU7 i s also know n i n 
Europe under i ts Mullard-Phi li ps tube desi gnati on ECC82. Thi s tube i s wi dely 
avai lable both new  and NOS and a num ber of speci al quali ty equi valents are 
avai lable. Current producti on of 12AU7 takes place i n Russi a, Slovaki a, and 

Summary of Contents for Philter

Page 1: ...Ver 0 1 Ph drus Audio Ltd 2011 All rights reserved User Manual for PHILTER passive EQ and tube amplifier This manual is also available as a pdf download Go to www phaedrus audio com...

Page 2: to reproduce the quality and character of classic equipment but in a modern highly reliable and cost effective way Chapter 1 Background The Ph drus Audio products came about because two recording m...

Page 3: ...r designed from the common source of Mullard s reference audio designs and thereby sharing a common heritage with the REDD amplifiers was developed We called this amplifier the Phaedrus PHILHARMONIC l...

Page 4: Although Ph drus Audio equipment uses printed circuit boards to ensure consistent performance and reliability the equipment follows classic practices such as star earths and natural contour trackin...

Page 5: ...w phaedrus audio com or by contacting sales phaedrus audio com Ph drus Audio Ltd warrants that the equipment it manufactures shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one...

Page 6: ...extended warranty is ordered after the initial warranty has expired then the intervening period is charged without exception Please contact your dealer or Ph drus Audio Ltd for current prices Warranty...

Page 7: ...insulated class II types see above It should therefore be appreciated that A CONNECTION TO EITHER THE PHAB the PHAME PHILTER of the PHI product CAN NEVER BE RELIED UPON PROVIDE A PROTECTIVE OR SAFETY...

Page 8: ...ignation for the EF86 and the CV4085 a special quality version for military use The EF86 tube is still being produced in Russia and in the Slovak Republic under JJ Electronics brand name formerly Tesl...

Page 9: or more That s over eleven year s continuous use So do not replace valves tubes just because they have seen a few years service Ph drus Audio Ltd can provide suitable valves tubes as spares which a...

Page 10: ...led connections on professional XLR connectors Operating levels are covered below One word of warning remember the line amplifier makes up for the loss in the passive Q circuits when the controls are...

Page 11: ...anit clockwise to cut in 2dB steps The central control may be used to modify the character of the treble frequency boost Depending on the frequency setting 2 5kHz 3 5kHz 5kHz 8kHz 10kHz 12kHz when th...

Page 12: EBU R64 1992 standard and 14dBFS on equipment aligned to SMPTE RP155 as illustrated On a broadcast standard PPM peaks should be set to read 6 on the BBC scale or 8 on the European EBU scale Output...

Page 13: a dual triode valve in which the two devices are wired in parallel This paralleling of the two triodes has the beneficial effects of doubling the mutual conductance and halving the anode resistance...

Page 14: ...Ver 0 1 Ph drus Audio Ltd 2011 All rights reserved Equaliser performance Equaliser performance is best defined graphically and that is how it is presented below Control extremes...

Page 15: ...Ver 0 1 Ph drus Audio Ltd 2011 All rights reserved Peaking responses Mid position response 1dB variation...

Page 16: ...Connect to Pin 1 Pin 3 Signal PHILTER Specification Circuit configuration 3 valve vacuum tube design Output Balanced transformer coupled Maximum out put level 18dBu 1kHz Input Balanced transformer cou...

Page 17: ...ox The basis on which conformity is being declared The manufacturer hereby declares that the products identified above comply with the protection requirements of the EMC directive and with the princip...

Page 18: ...__________________________ V1 volts ___________ Volts TP1 ___________ Volts TP2 ___________ Gain set ______dB 40dB or LOW GAIN position High ain test Pass Fail Distortion test Pass Fail PAD test Pass...
