Ver. 0.1 - ©Phædrus Audio Ltd. 2011 All rights reserved.
Preface – About Phædrus Audio
Phædrus Audi o w as formed to desi gn, manufacture and sell hi gh-quali ty products for the
professi onal and semi -professi onal audi o market. Phædrus Audi o's founders remai n i nspi red by the
musi c and the recordi ng practi ces of the fi fti es and si xti es, and are moti vated to re-establi sh the
values of the great audi o-technology l egends of the pas t wi th thei r i deals of trans parency, hand-
bui lt quali ty, and s ervi ceabi li ty. Usi ng modern manufacturi ng techni ques and the benefi ts of
modern component technology, Phædrus Audi o's aim i s to reproduce the quali ty and character of
classi c equi pment but i n a modern, hi ghly reli able, and cos t-effecti ve w ay.
Chapter 1 - Background
The Phædrus Audi o products came about because tw o, recordi ng musi ci ans w anted to ow n a
"classi c" console from the ni neteen-si xti es. Ideally a famous EMI, REDD, all valve (vacuum tube)
mixer used to record T he Beatles.
But those desks make a collecti on of
hen's teeth look posi ti vely prosai c -
as w ell as cheap! So, w e set about
researchi ng wi th the i dea of
produci ng a repli ca console.
In or der to do thi s, fi rst i t w as
necessary to have a desi gn for the
ampli fi er modules around w hi ch the
mixers of thi s vi ntage are organi sed.
In the famous EMI REDD mi xers,
these am pli fi ers w ere ei ther the
German manufactured V72(S)
ampli fi ers or the, very rare, EMI
bui lt, REDD.47 ampli fi ers.