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V72 and REDD.47 modular amplifiers
Ironically, despite the fact that many more V72 amplifiers exist than do REDD.47s, the EF804 valves which the
German amplifiers use are no longer in current production and are becoming very expensive: whereas the EF86
and ECC88 (E88CC) valves employed in the REDD amplifiers remain in production and are widely available. So, a
new amplifier, designed from the common source of Mullard's reference audio designs, and thereby sharing a
common heritage with the REDD amplifiers, was developed. We called this amplifier the Phaedrus
"PHILHARMONIC" (literally
, music loving
). This PHILHARMONIC amplifier forms the heart of the Phædrus Audio
LONDON Mark II console. The PHILHARMONIC amplifier circuit is described in detail below in section
Mullard published many reference designs which were used by EMI in developing the REDD amplifiers. At
Phædrus Audio, we went back to these same references to develop our products
The prototype London Console (Mark II)