PFT G 5 c FU 230
Knauf PFT GmbH & Co. KG
09323 / 31-760
PO Box 60
09323 / 31-770
D-97343 Iphofen
Press motor flow button. The water is now blown out of the manifold by compressed
air! (at 1.5 bar for approx. 1 minute).
Empty mixing pump by folding up the entire pump component.
Disconnect and clean mortar hoses.
The machine is now completely empty with the exception of a small rest in the screw
pump. The machine must however still be started carefully the next day.
Prior to transporting the mixing pump using a crane, all loose parts (compressor) must
be removed first.
Observe the ultimate load for the ropes. (min. 350 kg).
First disconnect the power supply, then all other cable connections.
Remove water supply lines.
If required, dismount mixing tube.
The PFT G 5 c FU 230 mixing pump consists of several units (mixing tube, motor with
tilt flange, material hopper) that can be transported separately.
Check that all hoses are depressurized before opening the couplings (observe mortar
pressure gauge display)
Clean the compressor’s filter on a weekly basis, depending on operation. Repeat this
procedure if required.
Water inlet filters in the pressure reducer should be removed and cleaned every two
weeks, replace if required.
Check brass screen in water inlet on a daily basis.