Damage to the vacuum pump due to intense temperature fluctuations
If the housing cools down too quickly due to external influences, there is a risk of contact being made
between the rotor at warm operating temperature, and the colder pump housing. This will result in
irreversible pump damage.
► Ensure that the pump is operated continuously within the applicable pressure range.
► Slowly adapt the throughput and temperature of the cooling water.
► Perform a max. of 6 starts every hour.
1. Adjust the voltage supply using a suitable starting circuit (e.g. protective circuit).
2. Switch on the screw pump in each pressure range between atmospheric pressure and final pres-
sure as required.
3. With the sealing gas device installed, open the sealing gas supply and check the flow rate.
4. Allow the screw pump to warm up for approx. 30 minutes with the vacuum flange closed prior to
starting the process.
5. Measure the motor current and make a note of the value as reference for future maintenance
work and troubleshooting.
6.3 Switching off the vacuum pump
1. Close the shut-off valve in the vacuum line and isolate the screw pump from the process.
2. Switch off the screw pump in each pressure range between atmospheric pressure and final pres-
sure as required.
3. Shut off the cooling water flow.
4. Vent the screw pump to atmospheric pressure via the vacuum side.
5. Ensure that you do not vent the vacuum chamber through the screw pump.
6. Switch off the process- and pump-specific media supply (e.g. the sealing gas supply).