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Clutch adjustment (with and without governor)
types 1 and 2
Special tooling required
- Clutch fitting / adjustment rod P/N 69141
- Clutch adjustment plate P/N 69140
- Clutch fitting dowel P/N 69142
- Clutch spacer P/N 53527
- Washer base 1.5 m P/N 750495
Parts required: set of adjuster washers
Six thicknesses of washer (0.4 - 0.6 - 0.8 - 1 - 1.2 -
1.5 mm) are available from spares department
- Tighten tool P/N 69141 in a vice and fit in the
following order:
- the washer (2)
- the adjustment tool P/N 69140
- the 1.5 mm base washer
- the spring (5A) + (5B) depending on
- the lining (6)
- the clutch flange (7)
- the balls (8) (4 or 6 depending on type)
- the drum (9)
- the washer (10)
- the spacer (53527) for use on the engine
with governor to replace the existing spacer
- the nut (15) and tighten the assembly to
the recommended torque depending on
- Using shims (A) , measure the gap between the
lining (6) and the flange (7), and depending on the
clearance required, change the 1.5 m base washer
for the adjuster washer (4) the thickness of which
is determined using the following formula:
Clearance measured
- Functional clearance
= Adjustment washer thickness (4)
The functional clearance between the lining and
the plate must be between
- 7 and 9/10 de mm for the drive pulley without
governor (type 1)
-3 and 5/10 mm for the drive pulley with
governor (type 2)
After adjustment, check the functional clearance
Example of measurement for a pulley with
Clearance measured 1 mm
- Functional clearance 0.4 mm
= Adjustment washer (4) 0.6 mm