Thank you for choosing a LoRAIN LoRA station for monitoring your
agrometeorological conditions as part of a FieldClimate decision
support system. Users are strongly recommended prior to ordering
their LoRA products, to use the Order-Details-Form. This will help
to set up the right parameters for the products based on desired
preferences before delivery. Like other products of the METOS® family,
LoRAIN LoRA measures and sends data to the FieldClimate platform
via a Network Provider with the help of a Gateway. This is the default
production standard. Users have free access to data through web, mobile
applications and decision support systems. Users can also decide to
provision their end devices with any network provider of their choice
and also have the option to send the data to their own Application
Server other than FieldClimate.
LoRAIN LoRA systems will be mainly used for:
• Precipitation
• Air-Temperature and Relative Humidity
• Soil volumetric water content and temperature
• Soil water tension
Version 1.1, 07-2022
Pessl Instruments GmbH
Werksweg 107, 8160 Weiz, Austria
+43 317 255 21