Degrease the selector plate and put one of the stickers from „Selector stickers” kit on it.
The sticker should be positioned so, that it will not cover the selector sensor when the
selector is set on „SEMI” and cover it on „AUTO” (or the other way round in AK type
replicas). It is only important that the sensor is covered on one of the firing modes and
not on the other. The position of selector plate on „SAFE” is irrelevant, because Perun V3
uses standard mechanical lock for safety.
AK type selector – selector plate in „SEMI” position (left) and „AUTO” (right); selector sensor
is indicated by red circle
G36 type selector – selector plate in „SEMI” position (left) and „AUTO” (right); selector sensor
is indicated by red circle
We recommend using cyanoacrylic glue to strenghten the bond.
In AK type replicas it is essential to ensure, that selector level is not loose. Any slack can
make it difficult to sense selector position.