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Technical manual, 8 Channel IR Receiver
Document Number: 205317-UK-0 Edition 1 2009-12
Installation of the Receiver
This RF receiver needs to be installed in a dry place by a skilled technician who is familiar
with installing home automation devices.
All electrical connections are done using connectors. This minimizes the installation time
and provides a fast switch of the module in case a replacement is necessary.
Mount the receiver with the connectors down using the Mounting Holes.
The receiver has eight voltage-free relay switches which are connected with a
removable terminal block. Max resistive load 1A at 24 V DC/AC or inductive load
0.5 A at 24V DC. When connecting inductive load for instance motors and relays,
an interference suppression device should be used.
Connect the supplied power supply (9VDC). The receiver accepts 9..24V (voltages
above 15V are not recommended because of excessive power consumption).
Internal 433.92MHz FM Receiver.
REMARK: For switching higher tensions or higher power, do always use an
auxiliary relay (e.g. for switching mains voltage).