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User manual Compact Joystick R-net
Document number: 205310-UK-0 Edition 2 2009-11
2.4 Controls
Most of the controls of the CJ R-net are common to the standard joystick module of PGDT.
The controls typical for the CJ R-net are explained in this section. For the complete
description we refer to the SK77981 of PGDT.
Joystick Module
Jack Sockets
2.4.1 Joystick
The primary function of the joystick is to control the speed and direction of the wheelchair.
The further you push the joystick from the centre position the faster the wheelchair will
move. When you release the joystick the brakes are automatically applied.
If the wheelchair is fitted with actuators, the joystick can also be used to move and select
actuators. Information about programming can be found in separate manual
Art.no: 205313-UK-0.
2.4.2 Switches and Led External On/Off Switch Jack
This allows the user to turn the control system on and off using an external device, such as
a buddy button. External Profile Switch Jack
Depending on the way the control system has been programmed an external connected
device, such as a buddy button, can have different functions. The factory default function
is ‘Horn’. The horn will sound while the connected switch is pressed – as long as the
standard function is selected. Information about programming can be found in separate
manual Art.no 205313-UK-0, for programming details and different functionalities of the
external connected device.