Always check that the safety barrier is correctly closed.
Use only with the locking / latching mechanism securely engaged.
Gate must be installed as close to the ground as possible, as per the
installation guides.
Never use with a child able to climb over or dislodge / open the gate
or enclosure.
Danger to older children if climbing over the product.
Regularly check that the safety barrier is properly installed and secure.
ALWAYS install and use gates / enclosures as directed, using all
required parts. All parts should be obtained from after sales support.
Barrier must be fitted between rigid surfaces such as plaster board,
timber or hard wall.
This product is intended for use with children from 6 to 24 months or
small to medium pets from 4.5kg (10 Ibs) up to 18kg (40 Ibs).
Do not put any goods which can be grabbed by children or pets near
this product to prevent injury.
Before using this product, carefully inspect for any loose parts and
whether any parts need to be tightened.
NEVER use to keep child away from pool.
This safety barrier is for domestic use only.