Form No. Z2026
Rev 01.28.09
General Information
Electrical Requirements
The package unit must be installed so that the wir-
ing conforms to, and is in accordance with National
and Local Electrical Codes. (See Condensing Unit
Data Plate for Electrical Specifications.
Do not attempt to operate the condens-
ing unit on any other power source than that listed
on the unit data plate. See appropriate wiring dia-
gram on pages 9, 10 or 11.
Starting The Cooler
Allow the empty utility cooler to operate 24 hours
for a settling-out period before use.
Temperature Control
The temperature control is located on the evapo-
rator housing. It is factory adjusted to maintain a
temperature of approximately 34° F. cut out and
40° F. cut in. Cut out temperatures lower than 34°F.
are not advisable as excessive frost may accumu-
late on the evaporator.
If excessive frost does accumulate, the unit is
operating at too cold a temperature. To defrost the
evaporator, turn off the electrical power to the con-
densing unit or turn the control to a warmer posi-
tion to allow the fan motor to defrost it. The control
should then be reset to a temperature that will not
ice up the evaporator. A plastic drain hose should
be attached to the drain pan of the evaporator and
routed through the wall panel. A receptacle should
be provided for accumulated condensing water or
connect to a building drain facility.
Ventilation Requirements
Air-cooled units must be furnished with sufficent
ventilation to maintain their efficiency. The table
at right indicates the minimum room size/cubic
footage, only the space above the condensing
unit can be used. When the room size is below
minimum, some type of forced ventilation must
be provided.
There should be nothing on or around the machin-
ery compartment area which will restrict the flow of
room temperature air to the condenser or over the
Compressor H.P.
Circulation Cu.
Ft. Room Volume
Forced Air
Circulation C.F.M.
Fresh Air Entering
1/3 to 1/2
Cleaning the Condensing Unit
Inspect the machinery compartment every 60 days.
A heavy accumulation of dirt and/or grease on
the front of the condensing unit (radiator) must be
cleaned off with a stiff brush or vacuum cleaner. be
careful not to bend the aluminum fins on the con-
densing unit.
This Utility Cooler is fully warranted against defects
in both material and workmanship for a period
of one (1) year from date of sale. Defective parts
must be returned to Perlick freight prepaid. All
parts found to be defective upon inspection will be
replaced on a no-charge basis, F.O.b. our factory.
Perlick is not responsible for parts damaged by
alteration, unauthorized service, accident or abuse.
All costs incident to replacement, including labor,
refrigerant, and/or loss of sales are incidental to
this warranty and must be borne by the user.
Perlick is committed to continuous improvement. Therefore, we reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice.