Illustration 24
(1) DEF Level gauge
(A) Low-level warning lamp
Illustration 25
Emission malfunction lamp
Warning Indicator Lamps
The warning indicator lamps can function in three
different modes.
• On solid
• Slow flash (once a second)
• Fast flash (twice a second)
Warning Levels
Any warning should be investigated immediately,
contact your Perkins dealer or your Perkins
distributor. The system is equipped with an override
option. Once the override option has been used and
the fault still exist, the engine will be locked in de-rate
at low idle only.
Override Option
The key switch can be cycled in order to give
emergency power for 30 minutes.
• Turn on key switch for a minimum 5 seconds to a
maximum of 15 seconds
• Turn off key switch for a minimum 5 seconds to a
maximum of 15 seconds
• Turn on key switch for a minimum 5 seconds to a
maximum of 15 seconds, then crank engine in
order to start.
Inducement for low-level DEF
When low-level DEF inducement is active there is no
override option to cycle the key switch.
Before engine operation, ensure that the DEF tank is
full. Also, ensure that there is an adequate supply of
DEF in order to refill the DEF tank.
Operation Section
Selective Catalytic Reduction Warning System