Table 9
Part Number
Container Size
Volume of Finished Coolant Produced
1.0 L (1.06 qt)
13.3 L (3.5 US gal)
Mixing Perkins ELI
The recommended water for mixing with Perkins ELI
concentrate is distilled or deionized water. Water
must meet requirements of ASTM 1193, “Type IV
Reagent Water Specification”. If distilled or deionized
water is not available, water should meet the
Minimum Acceptable Water Requirements
table in
this Operation and Maintenance Manual.
To ensure a correct concentration, the preferred
method is to mix Perkins ELI concentrate with water.
Then, add the mixed coolant to the engine cooling
system. Add the correct amount of water and Perkins
ELI into a clean container and mix thoroughly by
manual stirring or mechanical agitation.
If the preferred method cannot be performed, a
Perkins ELI mixture can be made by adding Perkins
ELI concentrate directly into engine cooling system.
Add good quality water until the dilution level is
approximately 7.5%. Adequate mixing is attained by
operating the engine for at least 30 minutes.
Appropriate mixing rates for available ELI container
sizes are provided in table 9 .
After the addition of water and proper mixing, the
concentration of Perkins ELI can be determined
using a suitable Refractometer.
Changing to Perkins ELI
For cooling systems previously running Perkins ELC
or an extended life coolant that meets Perkins
technical specification requirements, drain the
cooling system and flush with water. Then refill the
cooling system with a mixture of 7.5% Perkins ELI in
water that meets the
Perkins Minimum Acceptable
Water Requirements
table in this Operation and
Maintenance Manual.
For cooling systems previously running a
conventional heavy-duty coolant or a water/SCA
mixture, follow the steps listed in this Operation and
Maintenance Manual. Then refill the cooling system
with a mixture of 7.5% Perkins ELI in water that
meets the
Perkins Minimum Acceptable Water
table in this Operation and
Maintenance Manual.
Perkins ELI Maintenance
Maintenance of Perkins ELI is similar to Perkins ELC.
A coolant sample should be submitted for analysis
after the first 500 hours of operation and then
annually thereafter.
Analysis and interpretation of Perkins ELI coolant
sample analysis results is similar to the analysis and
interpretation of Perkins ELC. There will be no glycol
and glycol oxidation products, which do not apply to
Perkins ELI.
The concentration of a sample of in-use Perkins ELI
taken from the cooling system can also be
determined using a suitable Refractometer.
Clean water is the only flushing agent that is
required when Perkins ELI is drained from a properly
maintained cooling system.
Mixing Perkins ELI and Perkins ELC
Since Perkins ELI and Perkins ELC are based on the
same corrosion inhibitor technology, Perkins ELI can
be mixed with Perkins ELC. Mixing may be desired
when only low level of freeze protection is required.
Consult your local Perkins distributor to ensure
correct mixing of the products to provide adequate
freeze protection and corrosion protection.
Commercial Heavy-Duty Antifreeze
and Supplemental Coolant Additive
Commercial Heavy-Duty Coolant which contains
Amines as part of the corrosion protection system
must not be used.
Do NOT mix brands or types of SCA. Do NOT mix
SCAs and commercial extenders.
Failure to follow the recommendations can result in
shortened cooling system component life.
Never operate an engine without water temperature
regulators in the cooling system. Water temperature
regulators help to maintain the engine coolant at the
correct operating temperature. Cooling system prob-