• The Oil Condition Analysis determines the loss of
the oils lubricating properties. An infrared analysis
is used to compare the properties of new oil to the
properties of the used oil sample. This analysis
allows technicians to determine the amount of
deterioration of the oil during use. This analysis
also allows technicians to verify the performance
of the oil according to the specification during the
entire oil change interval.
• ISO International Standards Organization
• ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
• HFRR High Frequency Reciprocating Rig for
Lubricity testing of diesel fuels
• FAME Fatty Acid Methyl Esters
• CFR Co-ordinating Fuel Research
• LSD Low Sulfur Diesel
• ULSD Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel
• MEP China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection
General Information
Every attempt is made to provide accurate, up-to-
date information. By use of this document you agree
that Perkins Engines Company Limited is not respon-
sible for errors or omissions.
These recommendations are subject to change with-
out notice. Contact your local Perkins distributor for
the most up-to-date recommendations.
Diesel Fuel Requirements
Satisfactory engine performance depends on the use
of a good quality fuel. The use of a good quality fuel
will give the following results: long engine life and
acceptable exhaust emissions levels. The fuel must
meet the minimum requirements that are stated in
table 17 .
The footnotes are a key part of Perkins specification
requirements for China distillate diesel fuel. Read
of the footnotes.