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Page 2: ... WKHUH LV QR ELQGLQJ in order to prevent excessive power consumption and decrease the life of the motor and battery CAUTION R QRW WRXFK WKH VHUYR FDVH LPPHGLDWHO DIWHU VHUYR RSHUDWLRQ You may be burned because the motor and circuits inside the servo become hot R QRW WXUQ WKH VHUYR KRUQ ZLWK XQUHDVRQDEOH IRUFH The servo may be damaged R QRW GLVDVVHPEOH RU PRGLI WKH VHUYR The servo has a precision c...
Page 3: ... this servo with a large scale model that is not less than 50cc Attached resin arms will be damaged because of the intensity shortage Also please use the attached LOCK SCREW Ordinary screw will loose and come off from the servo by the vibration High Torque Servo Usage Precautions 1M23N12724 ...