Intended use
Product description
These Instructions for Assembly and
Dismantling are supplementary to the
PERI UP Flex Staircase 100 and 125
with Deck UDG Assembly Instructions
for Standard Configuration. All notes
and data contained therein remain valid.
They describe the configuration for stair
towers as a means of access for
temporary work to be carried out on
working areas situated above ground
The assembly and dismantling
sequences describe a short-lift system
of work in compliance with NASC
SG4:15 Preventing Falls in Scaffolding
Presentational reference
The illustrations indicate the sequences for
one bay size option. They are valid for both
1.00m. and 1.25m. bay options.
Components highlighted in red indicate
temporary installed components removed
before completion of the tower.
PERI UP Flex Staircase 100 and 125 with Deck UDG
Instructions for Assembly and Dismantling – Short lift system to SG4:15