There will be two different
size half-moon trim pieces.
The smaller one goes on top
of the fascia. The larger one
fits on the inside. Fasten the
half-moon trim pieces to all
three boards with one 1 1/2"
screws. Repeat the same pro-
cess on the inside.
Install the slant pieces. You
might have to cut them if they
do not fit. Fasten with two 2 1/2"
screws per board. (One on the
top and one on the bottom)
Now you are ready to install gable
end fascia. These are the boards
that have slant cuts on both ends.
It might need to be cut down to
size. Keep it flush on top of roof
panel and center of ridge beam.
Fasten to the 2x4 rafter. One
2 1/2" screw at top and two
at the bottom going into
fascia. Then one every 16".