The PFX3000S is a powerful smoke machine that can be floor mounted or hung from truss.
1. Heater Nozzle:
Smoke output, this will get very hot in operation -
do not touch.
2. Fluid Tank:
Fill the fluid tank with standard fog liquid, do not spill the liquid as this could damage the
3. Hanging Bracket:
Used to mount to truss, always use a safety wire.
4. DMX Input:
Female 3 pin used to connect from a DMX controller or previous DMX fixture
5. DMX Output:
Male 3 pin used to connect to next DMX fixture in the chain.
6. Power Switch:
Used to turn the smoke machine on and off.
7. Circuit Breaker:
If this trips reset once, if it trips again, there may be a problem with the machine.
8. Mains Input:
Plug the supplied PowerCon mains cable in here.
9. Remote Control:
For connection of the wireless receiver.
10. Menu Button:
used to browse the setup menu.
11. Up Button:
Used to adjust setting in the menu.
12. Down Button:
Used to adjust setting in the menu
13. Enter Button:
Used enter sub menus in the menu.
14. Eye Bolt:
Used to connect safety wire.
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