The clean burn function will be compromised if: the maximum fuel load is exceeded;
the fuel is not dry/seasoned correctly; the fuel is contaminated i.e. paint, tar resins; or if
the flue draught is insufficient.
Maximum fuel load is 1kg. Maximum log length is
240mm. Maximum log diameter is 100mm.
When refuelling on to a low firebed and
there is insufficient burning material to light a new fuel charge, excessive smoke
emission can occur. Refuelling must be carried out onto a sufficient quantity of glowing
embers and ash that the new fuel charge will ignite in a reasonable period. If there are
too few embers in the fire bed, add suitable kindling to prevent excessive smoke.
Recommended Fuels
Seasoned wood—moisture content less than 20%
Please note that when refuelling with solid fuel do not pile fuel higher than 30 degrees
from the front bar rearwards—overfuelling can produce temperatures beyond the de-
signed rating of the appliance, causing damage to internal parts.
Lighting The Stove
We recommend that you have two or three small fires before you operate your stove to
its maximum heat output. This is to allow the paint to cure and castings to relax and
consolidate location we recommend ‘running in’ procedure after long shutdowns to pre-
serve life of stove. During this you may notice an unpleasant smell. It is not toxic, but
for your comfort we would suggest that during this period you leave all doors and win-
dows open.
First, load the fire with starting fuel i.e. paper, dry kindling timber and/or fire lighters in
the mode chosen, either wood or coal.
Light the fire at base leaving all air controls open. Allow the fuel to reach a steady glow
and build the fire up gradually. Once you have a good fire established across the grate
bed, further fuel can be added as required.
When your fuel is well alight you can start to restrict the primary air intake. If you are
burning only wood, the primary air control can be fully closed. If you are burning solid
fuel you will require more primary air. Your stove is burning with maximum efficiency
when a bright fire is achieved using minimum air inlet.
The stove can be banked up for long periods. When burning solid fuel empty the ash-
pan. Open air controls and let the fire burn brightly for a short period. Refuel and close
air controls, the exact setting required will depend on the fuel used and the chimney
draw so some practice may be necessary. To revive the fire, open air controls until the
fire is burning brightly, de
ash if necessary (solid fuel only) and refuel. Set air controls
as required.
This appliance is designed to be operated with the door closed. Except for refuelling,
not only is it unsafe to operate with the door open but the appliance efficiency will be
reduced dramatically.
Glass Panels
Clean the glass panels when cool with a proprietary glass cleaner. Highly abrasive
substances should be avoided as these can scratch the glass and make subsequent
cleaning more difficult. Wet logs on heated glass, a badly aimed poker or heavy slam-
ming of the doors could crack the glass panels. The glass will not fracture from heat.
Check your chimney each year before starting to use your stove for the winter. Birds
may have nested in the chimney or the masonry may have cracked. Both chimney
and flue pipe must be swept at least once a year.
To avoid a build up of soot on the baffle (the plate inside the stove above the grate)
this must be removed and cleaned periodically. This plate locates the back and side
firebricks so note its position before removal. To remove, lift plate and remove one
side brick, this will allow plate to drop and aid removal. To replace, position baffle
plate on back and side brick, lift plate and replace remaining brick, make sure it has
located in position. This must be done when the stove is cold.
For efficient burning of your appliance, make sure the grate is clear of burnt debris i.e.
nails etc.
Where the chimney is believed to have served an open fire installation it is possible
that the higher flue gas temperature from a closed appliance may loosen deposits
that were previously firmly adhered, with the consequent risk of flue blockage. It is
therefore recommended that the chimney be swept a second time within a month of
regular use after installation.
Fuel overloading
The maximum amount of fuel specified in this manual should not be exceeded,
overloading can cause excess smoke.
Operation with door left open
Operation with the door open can cause excess smoke.
The appliance must not be
operated with the appliance door left open except as directed in the instructions.
Dampers left open
Operation with the air controls or appliance dampers open can cause excess
The appliance must not be operated with air controls, appliance dampers or
door left open except as directed in the instructions.