PePWave Surf/Mesh Connector/CarFi Series User Manual
Page 11
Click the “Advanced Config” button to enter the parameters of the access point to associate
to. You should see this screen:
Illustration 1: PePWave Surf Indoor Setup page
In the field “SSID” under Wireless Settings, input the access point’s SSID (sometimes it is
called the “network name”). According to the setting of the Access Point you are
associating to, you may choose a different “Authentication setting”.
If “Static WEP key” or “WPA/WPA2-Personal” is selected for Authentication, input the
Encryption Key field as well. (There are also options of “802.1x with dynamic WEP key” and
“WPA/WPA2-Enterprise”. You do not need to use these settings unless instructed to do so
by your ISP.)
Click the “Save” button at the bottom to complete.
You can now click the “Connect” link on the top bar and then click the “Connect” button to
associate with the access point.