Accessories VisuNet RM and VisuNet PC
Cable Termination
Insert the white/brown and
white/orange pairs of wires into the
lower part of the loader…
…and the blue/white and
green/white pairs of wires into the
upper part.
Fit a cable tie as strain relief and
cut off the excess length.
Use a wire cutter of appropriate size
to remove the wire ends…
…and cut them flush.
The wires cannot be cut properly
flush with an unsuitable wire
cutter. This will cause problems
when the two housing parts are
Assemble the housing by
positioning the loader straight on
the lower housing part.
Apply pliers in the middle of the
module and squeeze them until the
housing is closed.
If the pliers are applied too far
back, the loader may be
displaced, damaging the ID
connectors inside the module.