Communication in "IVI-B6" mode
Communication in "IVI-B6" mode
Only use "IRI-B6" and "IVI-B6" modes if you intend to operate the control interface
as a replacement for a control interface with the designation "IRI-KH*-4HB6" or
PROFIBUS DP communication parameters (GSD file) for IVI-B6
The GSD file name for "IVI-B6" mode is: P&F_0840.gsd.
An input module and output module are defined to transfer input data (reading,
data from slave to DP master) and output data (writing, data from DP master to
The size of the input and output modules is variable so that the transferred data
volume can be optimized for the relevant application. This prevents loading the
bus unnecessarily with unused data.
The GSD file P&F_0840.GSD is required to utilize the variable module lengths.
Input modules with lengths of 2 to 16 words and output modules with lengths of
one to 16 words are predefined in this file, each in graduations of one word.
One word has 16 bits in "IVI-B6" mode.
The number of modules required depends on the relevant application. The output
module (i.e. the data from the DP master to the slave) consists of one or two
command data words and a maximum of 14 usable data words.
The input module (data from the slave to the DP master) always consists of two
status data words and a maximum of 14 usable data words.
Command single/auto/buffered read fixcode:
Only one command data word and command parameter must be transferred. A
data carrier word address and write data are omitted. The module "1 Word
Output" can therefore be used here.
The length of the read only code data read by the code carrier is 4 words.
Because two status data words are always transferred in addition, the minimum
size of the input module must be 6 words, i.e. module "6 Words Input" must be
Command single/auto/buffered write, write data length e.g. 14 words:
Two words are required for the command data here (command, parameter and
data carrier word address). Together with the 14 write data words, the maximum
output module length is 16 words (16 Words Output).
For write commands, the control interface only responds with a status message
i.e. an input module size of two words is sufficient (2 Words Input).
During programming, only one input module and one output module can be
selected from the list of modules.