FOUNDATION Fieldbus Integration
The overview also shows if the actual mode of a block is not equal to the normal mode. All
unused blocks, e.g., unused function blocks, or ADM transducer blocks with no ADM con
nected, are usually set to out-of-specification (OOS) in order to exclude them from any sum
mary diagnostics. For the ADM transducer blocks, this can be done automatically:
Excluding All Unused ADM Transducer Blocks from Summary
In order to configure the modes of all ADM transducer blocks automatically, click on
the "Configure ADM Modes automatically" command.
All blocks where a corresponding ADM is connected are set to normal and target mode
"AUTO". All other blocks are set to normal and target mode "OOS".
If any other block of the device is selected in the navigation tree, all available configuration set
tings are shown on the right-hand side. For more information on parameters, see chapter 8.2.
Commissioning Wizard
The commissioning wizard is the recommended way to perform segment commissioning. The
wizard guides you through all necessary steps to set tags of field devices and debug the seg
ment. A report containing all segment measurements is generated to document the segment
state at the time of commissioning run.