VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30
Pos: 35.26 /Überschrifte n/1. 1/Frost -, Korrosionsschutz @ 54\mod_1207296319973_18. docx @ 608185 @ 2 @ 1
Antifreeze and anti-corrosion agents
Pos: 35.27 /Hi nweise/Warnung Personen/Warnung - Gesundheitsgefa hr, Schutzkleidung (Ha nd-, Augenschutz, Atemmaske) @ 243\mod_1422961077211_18.docx @ 2235965 @ @ 1
Health hazard!
The use of chemicals can present a health hazard.
Observe the safety data sheets.
Wear protective clothing as stated in the safety data sheet when handling
chemicals (e.g. safety goggles, face shield, respiratory equipment, safety gloves,
safety shoes, etc.).
Pos: 35.28 /Wartung/F m - Fw/T -Kreis/Fr ost- und Korrosi onsschutzmittelMe sssung (allge mein) (ggf. Modulgruppe bea chten) @ 231\mod_1416473613133_18. docx @ 2157638 @ @ 1
To ensure sufficient a concentration of the anti-freeze and corrosion protection agent,
check the concentration according to the maintenance schedule.
This test is carried out using a conventional density measuring system or a refractometer.
Observe the manufacturer’ product information.
Check/top up an anti-freezing and anti-corrosion agent as follows:
Take a sample from the control circuit (e.g. at the filling and drain cock). Withdraw
at least 0.5 l (0.1 gal) of the medium to achieve useful measuring results.
Measure the concentration with a suitable measuring device.
If the concentration is outside of the specified range, top up the anti-freezing and
anti-corrosion agent.
Pos: 35.29 /I nbetriebnahme - M ontage/Hi nweis - Verwe ndenden Che mikalien ni cht im Liefer umfang, SDS bea chten @ 243\mod_1422961157050_18.docx @ 2235996 @ @ 1
The chemicals that are required for the process are not included in the scope of
Please observe the safety data sheet of the chemicals that are used.
Pos: 35.30 /-- leer --/====== == @ 1\mod26_ 18.docx @ 27188 @ @ 1