5.3 sensor placement:
Temperature limiter device
Typically the sensor is being placed on a length of cable, that is separated
from the pipe by means of insulating material, in order to create an
“artificial hotspot”. The choice of the right location for the limiter sensor
depends on, but is not limited to following aspects:
Flow direction of the fluid, best location: upstream in case of
warmer inrushing fluid.
Impact of heat sinks such as supports etc, best location: away
from heat sinks.
Accessability for maintenance purposes, best location:
at ground level.
Chimney effect on large size vertical pipes, best location:
at the top.
Impact of other heat sources, sun etc., best location: at hot side of
It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that these
conditions are met in the most appropriate way.
For more details please refer to the engineering documentation.